Chapter 19

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I walked out and I heard a knock on the door, that must be Sarah. I went to answer it and when I did I found her standing in knee length jean shorts and a red shirt with splatter white spots on it that looks like paint. It brought out her brown eyes to give her that innocent look. She also had sandals on too that were a bright white. All in all she looks pretty and the guy to get to her heart first would be lucky.

She looked up and said "Hey you ready?" I smile and nodded, but I was pulled back by Tyler.

"Excuse us for a minute," I heard him say. I looked at him and saw he didn't check her out. Thank goodness! He turned me around tucking money into my back pocket. I looked at him questioning him with my eyes, but he just said "Buy something nice and don't forget your phone and key."

Crap, I forgot my phone and key. When Tyler saw the expression on my face he laughed and tucked my phone and key into my pocket with the money already in it. I gave him one last kiss and ran out while I dragged a laughing Sarah with me. When we were at the elevator I pushed the button to go down. I looked behind us to see why and the sight was hilarious. Tyler's head was poked outside the door with a pouting face and puppy dog eyes that scream 'Come back to me!' Sarah and I were laughing so hard that we barely heard the ding for the elevator.

We got inside in time and while the doors close Tyler gave me a small wave while doing his adorable puppy dog face. While traveling down the elevator Sarah and I have calmed down to smiles.

When we got outside we found her silver truck. Nice, I was always a little tomboyish. We got in and headed to the mall. We started walking around and some boys checked us out. Some even came up to flirt with us. Whenever a guy tried to flirt with me I just showed him my left hand and they always got the same look. They looked confused at first. Then they got terrified and looked around thinking that Tyler was here with me which made me giggle a little. Then they would slide over to Sarah and the first question the would ask is "You aren't married right?"

Sarah smile and alway says the same thing "No, I'm not but, thanks for checking." It was so hilarious that I excused myself so I could go pee from all the laughter that it was hard to hold in. When I walked out I saw Sarah decline an offer to go on a date and walked over to me.

We started to walk to Old Navy deciding to buy some clothes. I asked her "Any luck yet?"

She looked down and said "No, all the guys were either staring at my chest or were looking for a quick one night stand. Some guys are revolting."

"Don't worry you'll find your guy one day."

She gave me a small smile and said "I know it's just, I want something special. I want to be held during a scary movie, I want to laugh so hard that he won't mind that sometimes I snort when I laugh, I want something that you and Tyler have. I want happiness in loving someone that isn't related to you."

I'm stunned into silence. I don't know how to reply because that was a sight into her true heart of her happiness. I didn't know how lucky I was to find Tyler so quickly, but now that I have I will never let him go. Now all I want to do is help Sarah find her love. It might take some time, but I had a feeling we would find someone for her.

We ended up buying 3 outfits each along with shoes and jewelry. We started to walk back when I felt someone smack my ass. I turned around and saw a drunk 30 year old guy winking at me. I was disgusted by him and pissed at what he did.

I brought my fist back and punched him in that face. It didn't seem to phase him so I also kicked him in the valuables of all men and saw him fall. Sarah and I shared a look that said run. Immediately we started to do a little fast walk/ jog to the car.

We speed off and headed back to my apartment, or should I say Tyler's and I's apartment. We took the elevator up to the apartment room while holding 5 bags each and started to head to the door. We heard men screaming behind a door saying "Foul! Is that fucking referee blind!?" I knew immediately one of them was Tyler, but I was clueless on who the other was.

When we walked in both heads turned to us and Typer smiled at me while the other guy was staring beside me. I turned and saw Sarah look at the guy. Her eyes held longing and fear.

In a blink of an eye the guy had Sarah over his shoulder with one arm while the other held her bags and started to walk out. Before he left he turned around and said "We'll be right back."

With that he left and took Sarah with him.

Authors Note: Sorry my story was suppose to publish earlier but malfunctioned. Please comment, vote and tell others!

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