Chapter 4

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I walk out with my mom heading for the kitchen. We have a medium size kitchen, it's really open yet it is restricted. When my mom finally turns around she seems extremely nervous. Maybe it's because of her not telling her daughter that she is getting married! Note my sarcasm?

"Honey," she starts to say "honey are you okay?" Is she seriously a asking me am I ok?! She has no right since she is keeping all this bullshit behind my back!

"Well let's see, first you don't tell me that I'm getting married! I mean who does that these days!? I thought you were supposed to get married for love and live happily ever after! Your not suppose to do it for anything else except that! I thought you wanted me to be happy! I thought you wanted my life to be filled with joy and love! I didn't expect you to make me marry a stranger. And the worse part about all of this is you didn't even tell me! How could you keep this a secret from me! My marriage is on my birthday! What were you going to do, come into my room and say 'happy birthday sweetheart and by the way you are getting married'!? Is that what you were planning! I don't even know if I can trust you anymore! Tyler told me we were going to talk about this yesterday night but since he was a stranger I thought he was lying. Maybe I should trust him since my own mother couldn't tell me the truth! How could you?" After I finished my rant my mom eyes were about to spill her tears from her eyes. Honestly I don't care, she should feel my betrayal.

"You don't understand! I was doing this for your own good because . . ." She starts to trail off not seeming to find the right words. "I lost my job." WHAT!? How could she have lost her job? She was one of the best workers at the corporation. "What happened was that my boss was coming into my office and said he wanted to talk with me. He came around my desk and looked me straight in the eye before he kissed me. He put his hands in my chest, hurting. The only way out I could think of was kicking him in the ass. He went down on the ground moaning out if pain. When he regained his strength he punched me and said 'you're fired you slut and if you go to the police with this I will make your life a living hell.' Honey you have to understand I made Tyler your fiancé so I know that you will have an amazing future. Then there is something else I have to tell you. Your father, he got into a car crash and h-he died." With that all of her tears just slipped out and she fell to the ground. I wanted to feel bad, I really did, but I couldn't help but feel relieved that that son if a bitch is gone.


I was sitting in the living room watching The Middle. It was really late and I was waiting for my mom to come home so she won't be alone. I checked the time and it was five minutes to ten so she should be home soon. I was watching tv when suddenly a pair of lips slammed into mine. I was paralyzed when I saw that it was my own father who did this. When I finally realized what he was doing I fought back with all my might but he was to strong. Finally when I heard a car pull up into the drive way my dad pulled away. I knew I was mortified and felt like breaking into to tears when he said "If you tell your mother I will murder you in your sleep. I will be back for more you little slut." With that he ran upstairs.


He always attacked me like that right before mom came home. I was always terrified when he was with me alone. Then I realized something, yesterday was the only day when I slept with one eye open. Tyler somehow made me forget everything so that I could sleep peacefully. Maybe it could be a good thing he is becoming my husband. I guess I got a two for one deal, lose my dad and get a husband so I will have protection.

"Sweetheart I have to leave. I'm already going to be running late to my job interview. I will be home in 3 days. Tyler is going to stay here and you two will live together so you can get comfortable. Just know I did all of this because I love you." She kisses my herald and then left.

I stood there for a bit just breathing. I honestly had no idea what to do. My mom lost her job, the biggest bastard in the world died and I'm getting married soon. Could things get any worse? I hear my bedroom door open and hear Tyler walking down the stairs. I run around trying to find some cereal and hopefully avoid an awkward conversation.

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