Chapter 14

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~Talia's POV~

I can't believe that he admitted that. Even more I can't believe I didn't realize that I was naked. Usually I am not that comfortable in my own skin but whenever I was around Tyler it's like I forget everything that is around me. I wish that I can have more of a conscious when he is around. I quickly grab a pair of short jeans and a t-shirt. I walk out of the room planning on scaring the shit out of Tyler when I heard a knock on the door. That was weird, in don't think there is anyone coming here. I know it's not my mom nor his so who could it be?

I heard "Talia could you get that?" I answered back with a simple yah and headed to the door. When I opened it I saw a girl around my age with red hair and brown eyes. She had a skinny body and was wearing a green dress.

She looked at me with a disgust in her eyes before saying "Is Tyler here?"

~Tyler's POV~

"Is Tyler here?" Oh no! I know that voice anywhere. That's my crazy ex-girlfriend Sarah. What the hell is she doing here? Last time I heard from her is when she tried to kiss me when I was in the park. That was before I met Talia and I'm so happy that I rejected her. I better get out there before something had happens.

When I enter I hear Sarah say "Well Tyler is my boyfriend and he called me this morning saying he wanted to hook up. Who the hell are you, bitch?!"

That was a bad move on her part. I have been with Talia all day long and she knows it. Even though it was a bad day she knew we were together the whole day. I hid behind the wall hoping to not be noticed yet so that he can see or better yet hear how it would play out.

"Well, I'm actually Tyler's fiancé and I don't remember him ever mentioning he had a girlfriend when he proposed." Oh no I forgot to propose to her properly! Dang it I need to do that tonight. Tomorrow I will get us both rings and then we need to start the wedding plans. Jeez we need to hurry if we want this wedding to go right.

Then I heard Sarah yell "Tyler get you hot ass out hear and your 'fiancé' to get out now!" She had so much venom in her voice you could cringe away from it. Finally I got some courage or stupidity and went out there. Sarah's smile was so wide it could have jumped off her face and stay like that forever. Talia turned and gave me a small knowing smirk. I guess she didn't take Sarah's lie for real.

I walked straight to Talia, smiled and then kissed her with so much passion that I'm sure that Sarah could see it very clearly. When I pulled away I looked at Sarah and she had the most priceless face on. She was in the middle of shock, disgust and thankfully there was no revenge. She almost looked sad.

Then she just fell to the ground and started to cry. I have never seen this side of her before, ever. I stood there shocked while Talia tried to figure out what was wrong.

"I-I wusth w-w-want shumkun ta wove m-me!" I heard her cry out. She mumbled a bunch of other words to Talia but I couldn't hear.

Talia then said "We will find someone for you. and thank you for telling the truth. How about you go home and we can start the hunt tomorrow." Sarah smiled and muttered a thank you before leaving.

Talia turned back to me and before I could get a word in she said "Let's discuss this over dinner." She gave me a kiss then headed for the kitchen. Damn what that girl does to me! I quickly follow after her wanting to find out what happened before the curiosity killed me.

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