Chapter 5

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Tyler came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist. He placed his chin on my shoulder and said "hey are you ok?"

"Huh oh yeah I'm fine." I turn around with his hands still on my waist I and I noticed he is still shirtless and in his boxers. He looked at me concerned seeming like he didn't believe me but he left me alone on the subject but not before saying" You know you can talk to me about anything right?"

I gave him a small smile and said "yah." I turn back around trying to make my breakfast but Tyler refused to let me go so we were walking like penguins since he was holding me so tightly. I started to laugh when he tickled me. Slowly he tickled me to the floor and was now straddling me. I was moving back and forth hoping he would stop soon.

"T-tyler p-please stop!" He just laughed at me and yelled "NEVER!" I was still rolling around trying to get free but that wasn't happening.

"I'll do a-anything!" He stopped when he heard what I said. A moment later I realized my mistake.

He lips were right next to my ear when he said "anything?" He started to kiss from my ear down to my neck. I was trying to hold back a moan but couldn't. He smirked when he heard me and I said "you know what I mean."

He took his face away from my neck so his lips just brushed mine when he said "kiss me." Before I knew it our lips were moving as one. It was amazing when we kissed, like our lips were made for each other. He slowly slid his body down so he was hovering right above me. He licked my bottom lip causing a moan to come from me. He started to smirk before I bit his bottom lip creating a moan from him and damn it was the sexiest thing I have every heard! We both opened our mouths fighting for dominance with our tongues. After a while I finally gave up and let him explore my mouth. After a while he traveled kisses down my face to my neck to my chest. He just stayed there as if waiting for my permission to continue. He pressed himself in between my legs and I could definitely feel him hard. To see if I can get anything from him I pressed myself where his hardness was. He moaned and lifted his head up. Before we did anything else I said "Maybe we should stop."

He looked at me with concern and . . . and love? He finally said after what felt like a century "Yah we can stop, for now." He smiled a cocky smiled and got off of me. He held out his hand for me to help me up. I grabbed my cereal and went to sit down when I saw Tyler already stole my spot! I placed my cereal down and went to search for the remote.

"Tyler have you seen the remote?" He gave me a cocky smile before saying "Why do you think my boxers are so tight?" You have for to be kidding me! I went over to him and looked him straight in the eye.

"If the damn remote is not in your boxers I will destroy you!" He laughed and opened his arms waiting for me to search him for it. I climbed on top if him so I was straddling him and I started to take off his boxers. Before I pulled them all the way down I saw there was a big shape near his hip that looked like the remote. I looked him in the eye and reached my hand down his boxers over to that hip. I felt the remote so I grabbed it and forced my hand out as fast as I could. He pouted a little before swinging me around so I was sitting on his lap.

"You know this is my spot right? So move it mister." He smirked at me and instead of moving he tightened his hold on me.

I started moving trying to get out until I heard him moan "Don't do that unless you want to do more than just kiss." I realized I was making him hard because it was right in between my thighs. I finally gave up, grabbed my cereal and turned on the tv. We were watching family guy when I felt a pair of lips attach themselves to me neck. He was traveling up and down until he found my sweet spot. I couldn't help but moan while he was traveling back and forth between kissing, sucking and biting. I felt his hands travel down to my waist band before I said "Tyler can you let me up? I have to go to the bathroom." He reluctantly let go of me while I raced to the bathroom.

I looked at my neck and saw a large hickey there. Damn what that boy does to me! I swear sooner or later we will do something that both of us, at least me, aren't ready for. I breathed in and out thinking of what was going on with my heart. With Tyler I feel so loved and cared for. Am I falling in love with Tyler?

~Tyler's POV~

I can barely keep my cool around Talia anymore! Every time I'm around her I want her with me no matter what. She makes me feel so happy and I can't stop thinking about her. I really want to tell my friends about us though before they try to set me up again. The last time they did that the girl was so clingy I broke up with her within a week. She still is trying to get me back but I just ignore her. The only thing I worry about is that she will murder mine and Talia's relationship, literally! I really don't want her to ruin it because Talia makes me happier than ever. She is all I ever want in the world. Am I falling in love with Talia?

AUTHOR: What do you think? Do you think they are in love or is it just lust? Sorry I haven't updated in a while I have 3 amazing reasons. 1. I'm lazy 2. I have a lot of homework 3. I took a field trip and I'm trying to make up the work. I still am but I decided since I have more people reading this( you guys are the best for doing it! You made my day!) I should update more. Thanks so much for reading and vote/ comment at your will!

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