Chapter 9

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I swore I jumped 2 feet when I heard my mother yell at me. She yells at me all the time. Even for the littlest things like forgetting to clean the dishes. Although she never yelled at me in front of anyone. You see she believes in this respect of other neighbors. If you show your true self, like everything bad about you, then you are shunned. I hated her for that but I still have to respect her. Or she will slap me. She slaps me so frequently that I grew my hair long to cover it up and since nobody notices me in school it works out well.

"Mom relax," I started. I had to be careful since she never got like this in front of others. "Tyler and I just went out and walked around for the day." Tyler is standing right next to me with my hand in his. I forgot he stood next to me, almost protectively, until he squeezed my hand and gave me a warm smile.

"Relax? RELAX!? I come home because I forgot some important things for the interview and you up and left! To make things worse you didn't message me at all! I thought we had a better relationship than this. I thought you would tell me what happened with you and your fiancé. What were you thinking?" The nerve she has to talk to me like this is incredibly out of line.

"Mrs. Cortella let me expla-" Tyler tried to explaining but I cut him off. It is finally time for my mom to get a piece of her daughter she hasn't met yet.

"You know what I was thinking mother" I used mother with so much venom I saw her flinch. "I was thinking I could get to know my fiancé better since I'm marrying him in 6 days. I don't need to tell my mother, you are so judge mental that you can't face the neighbors without telling lies, everything that happens in my life! I'm not a needy kid who tells everything about myself. I only tell the people that deserve it," I turn to see an amused yet happy Tyler. "people like Tyler. So if you would excuse us we will be going to our room."

I led him upstairs ignoring my mother scream things like "OUR ROOM!? THAT IS YOURS MISSY NO MATTER HOW MUCH OF A FIANCÉ HE IS AND WHERE DO YOU THINK YOU CAN TALK TO YOUR MOTHER LIKE THAT! AND" blah blah blah blah blah. Seriously she should just shut up. I pity Mrs. Swugner though since she has to deal with my moms rage.

When Tyler and I reach our room, might as well not delay the our, I open the door, lead us in then quickly lock is hoping my mom doesn't try to break into our room. When I turn around I find a stern looking Tyler with his arms crossed standing no less than inch separating us.

"What the hell where you doing?" I was trying to stand up for myself you dumb ass. Seriously he was smiling a minute ago. "How could you yell at your mother and not let me get my own opinion of what should happen? I would have done the same as you babe." He smiled so proudly at me I couldn't help but smile too.

He then threw me over his shoulder and walked to the bed. Déjàvu much? Suddenly he turns around so I land on top if him and now I'm straddling him. Great an ego boost. Note the sarcasm.

"You have no idea how much of a turn on it is for me to see you so," He thought for a second while I was trying to get up. He had his arms locked around my waist hold me very tightly. I could feel his bulge get harder every time I moved. He finally faces me again, his lips a centimeter away from mine. "so brave." Tyler smiles then gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. It started out innocent but then he turned his head to get better access. His tongue barely swiped my lower lip before I opened up for him. The kiss got hot fast! Suddenly he was I top of me with him lying between my legs and my hands were in his hair. I pulled on his hair so hard I was surprised that nothing fell out. He moved us back to our original position and stopped the kiss. We both looked at each other while breathing heavily. Just breathing. Then we both cracked a smile and gave each other one last sweet kiss before I spoke.

"Do you think we will be left alone for the rest of the night?" He just smiled again and shrugged. I lied my head on his chest and looked at my clock. It read 1:33 a.m., no wonder my mom got worried. It still wasn't a good enough reason to yell at me. "Can I just sleep on your chest for the night? It's so comfy."

I felt the wonderful rumble of his laugh beneath me. He sat up with me straddling his legs. "Of course you can but first we both got to take a shower first. We had fun in the mud now we got to clean up. Do you like being Eco friendly?" He had a mischievous smile on his face when he said that and it got me worried.

"Yah? Why do you ask?" His smile got so huge I thought it would break his face. "Do you want to take a shower with me?"

I couldn't help but laugh as I got off him to grab some pajamas. I got my pink polka dotted shirt with a pair of black spandex. When I reached the door to my bathroom, thank goodness that my bathroom and bedroom are connected, I looked at him and said "Not tonight little boy."

Just before I closed the door I saw a smirk on his face while he said "So that means a different night right? And I'm not that little and I can prove it." He started to get up while unbuckling his belt and I just slammed the door. I'm pretty sure my cheeks are flaming red by now. Grrrr why does he do this stuff to me!?

I take a quick shower, dry off and put my pajamas on. When I leave the bathroom I don't see anyone at all. Where did Tyler go? Almost as if reading my mind I got turned around a quick chaste kiss and heard "I'll be back babe don't miss me to much." I could literally HEAR the smirk in his voice.

"Won't be a problem." I turn around to go to my bed while hearing him chuckle softly. He took a quick shower then jumped in bed next to me. I got to face him when he snuggled closer to me. I looked up at him and gave him a little kiss before falling asleep.

Right before I'm fully submerged I hear him say "I like to snuggle with you." Like that I'm as out as a light.

AUTHOR: Thank you guys so much! I needed 4 readers more and you go up to me having from 96 to 131 readers! You guys are the best! Read, vote and comment. Thanks again!

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