Chapter 6

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~Talia's POV~

Finally after getting the courage to leave the bathroom and covering the hickey with my hair I went to Tyler. I heard him talk but didn't know why. I looked a little around the corner and saw he was talking on the phone. I took the time to slowly look him over. I saw he had a six pack of abs and was tan all over. His boxers were a little loose around him yet they fit him perfectly. I stopped when I heard him say "The reason I wanted to talk to you is about a girl I'm marrying." He's telling his friends about us? Why? It is because he really likes me or for a different reason? One way or another I'm going to find out.

~Tyler's POV~

"Dude what's your problem?! I just found the hottest chick for you! Dark hair and dark eyes and a sexy ass!" I could feel myself making a sour face. I used to be a total player, just making out with girls then left them. I never had sex with anyone in my life! Yes, I'm a virgin so laugh all you want but at least I'm not using people for THAT reason.

"Look I'm gonna say this once so listen up. I'm marrying this chick because our parents are making us do this. I'm going along with it so I don't break either of our parents hearts. I have spent time with her and found out she is an amazing girl. And. . ." I have to get it out sooner or later otherwise I'm doomed! "and I think I'm falling in love with her."

Silence. Total silence went throughout the house and my cell phone. Then when I'm made sure my friend hang up on me I heard him yell "DUDE YOU ARE SO HOOKED!" I knew that Talia could have heard that so I got a little scared.

"Will you shut up!? Talia might hear you! Look, she doesn't know of my feelings for her yet and it's killing my not knowing what she feels for me. Heck, she could think I'm some player! I really like her so please don't try to hook me up with anyone else! I don't need Talia seeing some girl thinking I'm cheating on her when I'm not."

"Well I give my congrats to the lucky couple. I'll see ya later dude."

Before he hung up I yelled "WAIT!" I heard some tumbling around so I guess I scared him a little. "Talia wasn't the only reason I called you. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to be my best man?"

Right after I asked I heard him yell "YES DUDE YES OF COURSE I WILL BE YOUR BEST MAN!" I couldn't help but laugh at this. He was my best friend since 2nd grade and we held a strong relationship. It started when I was the new kid at school. The populars or rich kids made fun of me but only Chad went out of his way to be my friend. We did almost everything together. I'm glad he didn't ditch me during one of my roughest times ever.

"Hey dude I gotta go. Just know that the wedding is within a week and I'll text the details to you. I only ask that it is you and me for the bachelor party and we can just hang out and no drugs."

"Of course dude it is you wedding. I only ask you won't always be around Talia." I knew I liked him for a reason.

"That might be a problem since I'm falling in love with my fiancé. I will see ya layer dude."

"Later." With that we hung up. I saw Talia walked in and smiled. How I wish she would love me.

~Talia's POV~

I couldn't believe my ears. He's falling in love with me? Like I am with him? I couldn't believe it. He is actually a really sweet guy and I was calling him a player. What is wrong with me!? I'm still in my pajamas but I didn't care. I was planning on staying home today anyway. I was going to spend the day learning more about my fiancé.

I walked to Tyler and I saw he had a smile on his face. I made a small smile to. I had a plan for seeing if he would actually admit any feelings towards me. I grabbed the remote and sat back on his lap. I could tell he was a little surprised but shrugged it off. He wrapped his arms around my waist and mumbled against my neck "Whatcha doin?"

"I'm relaxing in my favorite chair but there seems to be some guy in it." I felt him smile against my neck and chuckle a little. I turn on the TV and saw that Aladdin was on so I clicked in that. I heard Tyler groan but I ignored it and continued to watch Aladdin.

"You really like to torture me don't you?" I laughed a little and nodded my head. He was such a little kid it was adorable. "Well," he started again "I'm gonna need to have a distraction from the movie and I think you might be the best choice considering you are the closest thing to me." I felt him smirk against my neck and pulled me closer. I tried to get away but he only held me tighter. He moved my hair and started to kiss my neck. I did my best to ignore him and just watch Aladdin and Jasmine sing on the magic carpet. Since that didn't work out very well I grabbed my leg and dug my nails into it but Tyler had a different plan. He grabbed my hand, forced it off my leg and put it on his head. Since I didn't know what to do I just stayed completely still. He grunted and mumbled "put your hand through my hair and pull a little." I did just that and he groaned. I guess we are both liking what is going on. He found my sweet spot like always and I couldn't stop moaning his name. His hand was inching closer and closer in between my thighs. It wasn't until he actually went under my pants to reach there that I realized what's happening.

I jumped from the chair and raced to my room. I closed the door a little harder than I would like. I honestly didn't care at the moment. I was freaking out about what just happened. What did happen? Was him admiring he liked me just an excuse for lust? I don't even know anymore. I went to. The other side of the room not knowing what to do anymore. I hope he doesn't unlike me because I'm really starting to like him.

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