Chapter 17

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* Be warned that some parts in this chapter will be very intimate so you have been warned*

After I heard him curse he was on me in a second. He was in between my legs, still naked might I add, and had his arms on either side of me holding him up so he wouldn't crush me. He stared down at me and muttered "Beautiful" before he started to trail kisses down my neck.

He kept trailing kisses down my body passed my breast and to my . . . oh gosh. I felt my eyes roll back into my head as he used my tongue on me. Fuck this, I couldn't keep my hands at my side so I grabbed his hair and brought his face closer to me, if that was even possible. He groaned and then added a finger.

"OW!" I hissed out in pain. I never had any experience in this kind of stuff, but all I know is that it hurts like hell. Tyler looked up at me scared out of his mind. He didn't take his finger out, but he did comfort me.

"Shh it's okay, I know you can make it through. I'm going to add another finger now okay?" I nodded and then felt another pain a little worse than the last. I held onto him tightly as he pumped very slowly. If two fingers inside me were this bad I couldn't imagine what his manhood inside me would feel like.

I don't regret us doing this though. It hurts like hell I will give you that, but meaning that we are doing this as pure passion and maybe . . . love? I know we love each other, but there are times were I think he is faking and only doing this to hurt me. I hope it's not that way otherwise I will never be able to forgive myself for being a fool.

Suddenly the pain disappeared and became pure lust. I barely muttered out a faster before he was plunging his fingers deeper inside of me. I moaned so loud I thought somebody heard me, but quickly disappeared as his mouth returned to its previous spot. He sucked a little, but then his to tongue plunged deep inside of me.

I felt pleasure were his fingers were, but I didn't want myself to only have the pleasure so I stopped him before he could continue his wonderful work. I grabbed his head for him to stare into my eyes. I said in an almost breathless matter "I don't want you doing everything because it won't be fair. So please can we find something to pleasure each other at the same time, but not sex?" I looked at him with pleading eyes hoping we can find something. He smirked at me and suddenly I was in front of his manhood. I looked farther ahead and saw his legs. Oh no, so that means my ass is in front of his face. I felt his breath before I felt his tongue plunge into me again. I stared at his cock and carefully put my hand around him and moved my hand up and down. He groaned as he push two fingers inside of me.

I decided took take the next step and took him slowly into my mouth. I moved my head up and down groaning. He groaned along with me while bucking his hips to make him go deeper into my mouth. I gagged a little before I got use to him rocking his hips into my mouth.

I teased him a little by pushing my ass into his face deeper and just kissing the head of his cock. He groaned while muttering a "Don't tease me." I heard the desperation in his voice and knew he was close like me. We bother stopped teasing and focused on bringing us both maximum pleasure. His tongue was deep inside me while he pumped his tigers and I was swallowing his shaft inside my mouth.

I knew he was closer than me so I gently pleased him with my other hand grabbing his balls gently. He groaned so loud I knew we were both done for. I felt myself letting go into his mouth while he did into mine. When I tasted him it tasted good yet not so good. Either way I swallowed all of which he released which was a lot. I also felt him lick up every ounce of my release.

When we both finished he flipped me around while pulling the covers up. Just before I fell asleep I heard him say "I love you."

~Tyler's POV~

I can't believe we just did that! It felt amazing being able to taste her and she tasted fantastic. I felt bad though when I hurt her when my finger first entered her. I'm scared that when we have sex that she will get hurt really bad and I'm scared she would be scarred by that.

When I was positive that she was asleep I muttered a "I love you" before I fell asleep with her in my arms.

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