Chapter 13

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Wow. Just wow. I can't believe that he did that. I get why he has to be nice to his mother but still, damn that was sexy. You all think I'm crazy right now but think about it. If or when your boyfriend stands up for you in the sweetest way possible you would fall head over heels.

All I did right then and there was walk away. I don't know how to act. We did have to discuss the wedding but now that it was said out loud it feels so threatening. I feel I'm being pressured to be perfect for this in less than a week. Usually I don't hyperventilate but right now is an exception. I go into our room and shut the door but don't lock it.

Breath Talia just breath. I can't let Tyler see me at my worst. Not now not ever. I walk quickly to the bathroom knowing that Tyler is behind me. I lock the door and start a bath. I can't let him actually know what's happening so instead I will just say I'm taking a bath. I swear my legs are about to collapse.

"Talia," I hear his worried voice and it kills me. I can't deal with him right now so I will put on music. I hope he doesn't try to come in. I go to our radio and put on 101.9. The song "Heart Attack" by:Demi Lavato comes on. Great a song that makes me actually want to have a heart attack. Note the sarcasm. I don't have anything against Demi Lavato but this song just makes me worry a little for some reason.

"Talia," His voice is louder and more urgent. I just ignore it while I undress. I step into the bathtub and close the curtain. The chance that he comes in here I don't want him to see my naked body. I sit in the tub and finally let the hyperventilating take over. I can't seem to stop it and I'm afraid that Tyler will catch me.

Okay so I'm getting married in less than a week and there is so much to prepare. Tyler and I need invitations (still not knowing why he invited his mother), cake, designs of the wedding and reception, flowers, my bridesmaids, and his groomsmen. I wonder if we will even have that. I don't know enough about Tyler to actually decide if we are of not. I know I'm forgetting something but what is it??? Oh my gosh I forgot my wedding dress. I don't know what the designs are or if I want it long or short or . . . All I see is black. Then before I could figure out what happened I heard Tyler shouting and picking me up. Just as I felt his arms around me I passed out.

~Tyler's POV~

What is going on in there? I just saw Talia took off after I told her mom off. I don't know if that was the problem or if it was the wedding. Jeez we still have a lot to do but I will discuss it with her after I save her from whatever darkness she is in. I follow her and just saw her close and lock the bathroom door. Suddenly I hear the shower going. No way she is getting off easy.

"Talia," I start to say her name quietly then I hear the music. Man this girl is relentless. I need to be there for her. I have a very bad feeling that something will happen to her.

"Talia," I try to be more persistent to show her I mean business. I then hear heavy breathing. Oh no, I need to get in there immediately. There is now telling what could happen. I have no idea where the key is so, in my frantic state of mine, I kicked the door as hard as I could and it fell on the ground. I see her in the tub unconscious.

"Talia you better wake up! I can't lose you! Please come on!" Honestly I have no idea if she tried to do anything all I know is that I'm scared. I picked her up in my arms, not caring that she was naked. I grab a towel and do my best to dry her off as best as I could. When I lie her on the bed I realized I forgot to cover her. I grab a towel, knowing she would freak out to find herself not covered, and put it on her. She looked so beautiful in just the towel I wish she realized how beautiful she was.

"Ty-Tyler," I hear her fragile voice try to speak through her haze of unconsciousness. Man I wish I could do more to help her.

"Talia! Shhh baby it's okay. I'm right here." She finally opened her eyes. Her eyes looked blue and they sparkled so brightly at me it was perfect. She smiled at me and I gave her a smile of my own. I look at the clock and realize it's already 6 at night. No wonder I was so hungry. As if hearing a thought if food Talia's stomach rumbled. I laughed lightly and helped her up. I walked out of the room ready to start dinner when I realized that she was following me. I looked at her and saw she was naked. Damn did I want to ravish her body and look deeply into every part of her but right now she should change before she regrets this decision. I looked at her and said "Whatcha doin' buttercup?" She looked at me as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"I'm helping with dinner. What should I be doing?" I laughed and lifted her onto my shoulder. I walked us back to our room. I can't believe she didn't notice.

When we entered I place her down for a quick kiss and then for her to figure out she was naked I kissed her breast. I took her nipple into my mouth and sucked then quickly did the same to the next. I heard her moan and then gasp probably realizing what was going on. I pulled away, looked into her eyes as I said "I thought you would notice you were naked. I left so you could change but right now was my chance to show how much you mean to me. First I thought of you and your uncomfortableness of showing a lot of skin. Secondly I showed how much I love you into the the kiss I put on your mouth and your breasts. Finally I'm restraining from ravishing you and waiting for the right time. I won't take advantage of you. Even in your clueless state I will only care for you. Now go get change while I make dinner." With a final kiss on her forehead I left her to change and hopefully for her to see how much I care about her.

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