Chapter 8

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~Tyler's POV~

-Driving to the secret spot-

I can't believe how time flies so fast. I'm now driving my fiancé, who I just met, to the most important place in my life! Man, I can't believe it.

I could tell Talia is confused because she kept looking everywhere for some clue about where we were going. We finally arrive at my favorite and sacred childhood place. "Wow" was what I heard from Talia. I agree. This place was perfect for me to forget every bad memory of my mom. I get out and take her to one of the most comfortable places I found and sat down.

"So I wanted to tell you something important of my past and this is the place I always went when that happened." She nodded her head for me to continue. "So when I was younger my parents used to bully me. Whenever I did the littlest thing bad they would slap, punch, hit, do just about anything to make me feel pain. They did stuff like that since I was six." I started to take deep breathes and I was starting to get scared for how she will react."When I turned thirteen it was I my room wound asleep when I felt something wrap around me. It felt wet and when I looked my mother was. . . she was" When she put her hands on mine I looked at her knowing it's ok to skip the rest. "I tried to push her off but she would re-hit the bruises she already gave me. I wither in pain and when she was done she said 'let anyone and I mean anyone know of this and you will never have your first time with anyone because I would cut off your dick.' She left and luckily she never did it again. She became this horrible mother always trying to control my life. Every time I brought home a girl she would diss her so bad my girl would cry, break up and then leave. I snuck around just to piss her off. The furthest I ever gone for sexual attention to a girl is just making out. I wanted to give myself to someone I loved. When we plan for the wedding just be warned she may look nice but will do anything to ruin what you want. If you want something she will force you to do the complete opposite. Just please promise me you won't listen to a word she says. She is crazy and I can't lose you to her." I looked straight into her eyes and . . . Oh no! What did I just do! She will probably think I'm some . . . some, gosh I don't know what!

She suddenly straddles me and says "I would rather die listening to her than listening to my fiancé who I am . . ." I look at her confused and desperate to find out what she is about tell me, but I hope she means what she is trying to say. "Tyler. I'm falling in love with you. I know it is crazy that we know each other for a short amount of time but." I was shocked. I'm still trying to find out my feelings for her but what she just said confirmed it.

She looked down at her hands fiddling with her shirt when my hands reach under her chin to make her look at me again. I open my mouth knowing what to say "You just made me the happiest person in the world. I love you to!" I kiss her with so much passion I felt her shudder. Then I remembered my promise to her and pulled away.

~ Talia's POW~

I am extremely happy. He finally said the three most perfect word in the world! He kisses me with so much passion I feel myself getting weaker and weaker until he pulls away. He holds my face and says "I want to take things slow. I don't want to force you into anything until you are ready and give me the word. In fact,"

He got up while pulling me with him. He went down on one knee and says "Talia will you marry me? We don't have to act like a loving couple but we can be engaged yet act like girlfriend and boyfriend. So we can keep our parents happy and we won't be forced into a lot of stuff." I stare at him and smile.

"Yes" is all I say and he picks me up and sounds me around. I put my arms around his neck and smile into it.

We spend most of the day here. Either just hanging out or talking about anything. I still can't believe he asked me to be his girlfriend or fiancé in front of our parents. He is the sweetest guy in the whole world and I'm lucky to have him.

When we get home the first thing I hear is "Where the hell have you two been!?"

AUTHOR: Cliffhanger! Sorry I love doing these every since I saw my friends reaction to the last chapter's cliffhanger. My friends Hailey, Xena and Elizabeth have been begging me to give them a shout out. So here it is- to my annoyingly amazing friends. Thank you so much for reading but I won't update until I reach 100 readers ( only a few more to go, please help me reach this goal!) Love ya guys!

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