Chapter 15

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~Talia's POV~

I was so happy when I heard Sarah wasn't here to steal Tyler from me. All she wanted was for someone to love her and I would be more than happy to help her find her true love. I just can't help but feel sad for her. Everyone wants to find true love and I know that I'm definitely one of those people. Sarah is just a misunderstood person but luckily I cracked her code.

I grinned at what tomorrow could bring and I saw Tyler give me a weird look. Poor boy. He is probably is as confused as hell right now. I just smiled and kept on walking. When I reached the kitchen Tyler quickly wrapped his arms around me and dived his face into my neck.

I barely heard him mumble "How long will you make me wait you devious woman." I couldn't help but laugh at him. He was so cute when he was frustrated. He started to kiss my neck to my cheek to my ear and back to my neck.

"Just until after dinner. You can wait, can't you?" I smirked to see if he would take the bait. I know he can be stubborn sometimes, but why not have a little fun with it.

"Fine, but can we at least eat somewhere comfortable like in the living room? If I can't the information out of you I at least want to not be bored." With that he kissed my neck and went to grab our food. I was still in shock when he came back for me. He picked me up bridal style and then went to the couch. He sat down and then put me on my lap. He then grabbed his plate with 2 forks on it and handed me a fork. He grabbed the remote and turned the tv on to "Last Man Standing." even though I like this show a lot I was still upset with what he said. I guess the best way to get revenge, in my mind, is to be silent.

"Are you okay?" Tyler sounded a little worried but curiosity was mostly taking over. I just kept silent and kept eating. I could tell he was getting annoyed and worried. He suddenly takes my fork and puts his and mine on the plate. He then moves the plate to the nearest table and looked at me. I just looked at the tv until he turned it off. Damn it! I tried to get up but instead I got pushed down onto his lap and he made me straddle him.

"Please tell me what's wrong. The silence is killing me!" He tried to look into my eyes but I just kept my eyes on my hands that were in my lap. Tyler then grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. I looked quickly then smashed my lips to his. I could tell he was very surprised but then he responded quickly by taking over the kiss. He tilted his head just a little so we could deepen the kiss. My tongue plunged into his mouth searching every corner if his mouth. I heard him moan a tiny bit, but for me to make my point I needed him to be louder. I started to do things that I have never done before. I started to grind into his special spot. Then I kissed down his neck which earned me a bigger, louder and longer moan. That fueled me to perform my final action. I reached down between us and palmed him through his jeans. I heard him moan "Oh gosh." I smirked and jumped off him.

"And that is why I am not boring." I walked away, making sure to sway my hips, and into the bedroom. I couldn't help but laugh. I don't care if he hears me because this is the best revenge I could've gotten out of him.

I then heard him say "You are not getting away with this!" I was still laughing when he barged in and threw me on the bed. Suddenly I felt his manhood pressed down on my womanhood.

Tyler said "Since you got me like this you can help me get rid of it." He started to grind into me and it felt amazing. He then kissed down my neck and back up meeting his lips with mine. He kept kissing and grinding me until I felt him grow rougher so I knew he was close. I was close too so I meet up into him so we could both let go. Finally we both moaned and I felt the warmness spread down through me and into my underwear. Tyler collapsed next to me breathing heavily.

I said "I'll be back." Then I headed for the bathroom knowing I really needed a shower.

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