Chapter 12

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~Tyler's POV~

Damn. Talia looked so sexy in my shirt. I knew she had shorts on underneath because of how insecure I know she is. I wish I could show her how much this affects me but I will wait later in the relationship to show her though.

I ignored her while I went to our room. I started to unload her luggage on the floor. I either hung up her clothes or put her underwear, socks, bras and pajamas In the drawers hidden inside the closet. I'm glad though that Talia isn't the kind if girl who has only lingerie for her undergarments. She is a true girl and that what I love about her.

I guess I really do love her. Before I thought it was crazy but now I just want to say it nonstop to her. When I finished I turned around and saw her standing near the bed. That is such a bad idea on her part. She asked "Why are you ignoring me?" I walked toward her and I could tell she was scared by the way her legs backed into the bed. When my face was inch away from hers I said "I'm not ignoring you. I'm building up the moment until we touch again because this," I touched her waist and pulled the shirt so she could understand a little more of what I was saying, "is driving me insane." With that I attacked my mouth to hers.

~Talia's POV"


I see him walk through with my luggage and he looks so happy. I wonder what happened when he was gone? "Hey Tyler." And he just walks away. What the hell? I thought things were going good. Maybe he is trying to send me a message? I don't know anymore all I know is is that he is ignoring me and I don't know why.

He walks into our room while I quietly follow behind him watching his every move, scared he will do something he would regret. He walks into the closet while putting my stuff in there. I stand by the bed hoping he would see me and tell me what's going on.

He walks back out and I say "Why are you ignoring me?" He walks towards me with this look so intimidating that I back up a little and hit the bed. He probably thought I was scared and I guess I am a little right now.

He comes right right in front of me with an inch separating our lips. He says "I'm not ignoring you. I'm building up the moment until we touch again because this," He touched my waist while pulling his T-shirt that's on me. Oh my! I could already feel heat in places that I didn't even know that could get heated! Only if he knew the thoughts that were running through my head right now. He continued with "is driving me insane." he then attacked my mouth with his.

Instead if the kiss going slow it was heated the moment our lips touched. He pushed me slowly onto the bed while never breaking our touch. He lied down in between my legs and put his arms on either side of my head so he wouldn't crush me. His tongue swiped on my bottom lip. Well what's a couple without a little teasing. I didn't open up for him and instead just kept my mouth shut while kissing him. He growled a little and I growled right back. He started to laugh a little while I just smiled. I bit his lip and pinched his nose to show him what it felt for me during our first kiss. He acted exactly like me though. He didn't open up until he gasped for air while I took over his mouth. I wrapped our tongues around one another while we fought for dominance. It felt like heaven when he playfully tickled me so he could win. I just smiled and let him win. My did this boy know how to use his tongue. His hand traveled towards the end of my shirt while he lifted it a little. He lifted my shirt until it reached my waist. He pulled away and said "I knew you had shorts on underneath." Before he could kiss me again we heard someone knock on the door. We groaned in anger while Tyler got off of me and helped me up.

We went and answered the door only to have my mom and Typer's mom barge in. Didn't my mom just told me to leave the house and never come home again? Man she is insane.

"Talia darling we have to discuss the wedding. We have to find dates to find cake and flowers and guests and all those things but first why are you wearing Tyler's t-shirt?" Jeez breath a little woman. Actually she could go breath anywhere except my house.

"Mom, okay first what happened to you saying you never wanted to see a disgusting creature like me in your house again? Next you will not be in this wedding nor will you help me or Tyler plan it. You are mean and cruel and that will not be in Tyler's and my wedding. Finally there was a problem before with a spill from someone mean so he offered his shirt while he went to get the rest of my stuff while I put on a pair of shorts that he must have taken while he was with me so I wouldn't be completely exposed. So if you would excuse me would you mind getting out of my apartment while Tyler and I plan our wedding." I looked at Tyler when I knew that he took a pair of my shorts in case something like this happened. He jut smirked and turned back to our surprised mothers.

My mom was raging and I could see it in her eyes. She walked up to me and slapped me. I can't believe she slapped me! She has done this before but it always surprises me when she does it. Tyler immediately grabbed my moms hand and his moms hand. He led them both out of the apartment. I heard him say "You bitch, you don't touch my fiancé ever! You think you deserve to barge in here and think every thing is okay? Because it isn't. Mom I'm sorry you had to see this but Talia and I will do everything for the wedding by ourselves. We will send you the invitations but Mrs. Cortella you will never be in this wedding as long as I live. Good day mom and Mrs. Cortella you can go die in a hole." With that he slammed the door.

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