Can't Tell/Conflicted

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"My god, my heart is racing..."
That line from The Count of Monte Cristo (musical; sung by Mercedes in the song "I Know Those Eyes/This Man Is Dead") repeated in my head. Over and over again, it looped.
My heart really was racing.
I had just saved {insert name here} from full-blown falling asleep in class, and he smiled at me. I stuck my tongue out at him playfully.
Later, as we were getting ready to leave 7th period, I nudged him and congratulated him on napping in class. His friend told me to "respect {insert his last name here}," to which he replied, "Hey, respect my little secretary."
I wasn't sure that I heard him right, so I looked up at his face and he smiled again. Awkwardly, I finger-gunned him.
My feelings are jumbled. I've known this guy for only seven months--seven months--and we've shared some experiences together. I don't know if I like him, love him, or if he's just a friend. I can't tell.
Then again, he wouldn't like me back.
You see, he likes someone not from my school.
It's impossible to ask about someone you've never met to their crush, let alone rival them. You don't know how they are or what they do.
All you have is a biased opinion to go off of.
Here's my question to myself: Should I let my experiences and one sentence from him lead my heart, or should I wait for another time?


Yes, this is really from my perspective. I don't know what to do or which to decide. All I know is that I'm conflicted.

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