1. Packing With Crazy

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A/N Just a heads up. This one will have multiple parts. I'm not sure how many yet.
"I don't get why we can't just portal there." Alec said as he continued packing. Magnus was taking him camping for the weekend. It was going to be their first weekend away together. He was nervous and excited which was a horrible combination.

"He probably wants to spend more time with you." Jace pointed out from where he was stretched out on Alec's bed. He only knew about the trip because Alec needed help covering with the institute. And Jace had felt the emotional roller coaster through their parabatai bond. He forced Alec to tell him and then Alec never shut up about. But Jace liked it, honestly he was just glad that Alec had found a way to be happy.

"In a car? I've never been on a road trip. What if it's long? Do we just talk? Do we listen to music? Will he want me to drive? Jace? Jace!?" Alec sank to the floor breathing too fast.

"Woah Alec," Jace jumped down from the bed and took Alec's hand. "You need to calm down. It'll be fine."

"No I think I better cancel. Can you call and tell him I'm sick. Wait. Tell him I'm on a case and can't leave. That's better." Alec shoved his phone into Jace's hand.

"No." Jace pushed it back.

"Yes. Come on you're my parabatai. What else are you good for?"

"Thanks. That sure helps the ego." Jace laughed.

"Your ego is big enough. Now can we focus on me?"

"Alec I'm not calling your boyfriend to cancel your plans. If you really want to do that, which you don't, then call him yourself. "
"But I can't."


"Do it for me, please." Alec pouted his lips and held his hands up like he was praying to Jace to help him.

"No!" Jace grabbed his arms and shook him. "What the hell has happened to the Alec I know who isn't afraid of anything?"

"I'm afraid of umbrellas and spiders Jace. By the angel! I didn't even think about that! What if there are spiders and umbrellas? Jace, see? I can't go!"

"Alec. you. are. acting. crazy." Jace shook him with every word for emphasis.

"I. Can. Not. Stop." Alec said back in the same voice and Jace feel over laughing. He had never seen Alec so nervous and it truly made him the happiest he had been in quite some time. Alec smiled, then started to laugh with him. After a couple of minutes they finally stopped.

"Feeling better now?" Jace asked.

"A bit. Thanks." Alec patted Jace's arm.

"Anytime brother. Now what else are you packing?" Jace asked as he noticed Alec had only packed weapons so far.

"I don't know." Alec shrugged.

"Well I would suggest you pack some clothes, unless you're going to a nudist campsite." Jace wiggled his eyebrows.

Alec choked on his own spit.

"You're horrible." Alec threw the sweater that was in his hand at Jace. It hit him square in the face but he kept laughing.

"Hey you're the one who's horrible at packing." Jace threw the sweater into the duffel.

"Which is exactly why you're here." Alec threw a pair of pants at Jace but this time he caught them.

"And here I thought I was here to listen to your insane fears." Jace stood up and stated digging through Alec's dresser.

"You think mine are insane. You're afraid of a baby's toy." Alec smirked.

"No I'm not. Ducks are live, dangerous animals."

"Dangerous?" Alec laughed. "Yes their quacking has killed many people not to mention all of the shadowhunters slain by them."

Jace shoved him. "They bite and fly."

Alec shoved him back. "Fine, ducks are terrifying creatures of death."

"Exactly." Jace found what he was looking for. "Take this. It matches your eyes and is the only piece of clothing you own that has color."

"That's not camping clothes."

"Just trust me."


They finished packing and went to spar to help Alec with his remaining nerves. It was better than just sitting on his bed waiting.  Alec still had 2 hours before he was meeting Magnus.

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