Evil 2

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"By the angel! Who cares? Let him stay with the bloodsuckers. He looks happy and they haven't killed him yet, which I might add is a shock. Have you ever met someone so annoying?" Alec demanded as Jace tried to calm down the little girl who was sobbing about her mundane.

"Alec, you are a bastard." Izzy spat at him and rubbed the girl's back.

"He can have his own opinion." The girl said with a sniffle.

"No, Clary, he's wrong. We're going to help Simon." Jace said with a glare thrown at Alec.

"Fine." Alec threw his arms up. He knew when he had lost. "I have an idea."

"Good. Let's go. You can share it on the way." Jace took Clary's hand and pulled her out of the institute. 

"It might get us killed!" Alec called after them.

"Hopefully just you." Jace threw back at him with a chuckle.

"Dick." Alec shook his head. Why did he care about Jace so much? And why did Jace care about the redhead?

"Once we get to the hotel you need to stay out of the way until we've caused enough of a distraction," Alec said as they walked towards their destination. 

"Where is he going to be?" Jace asked Izzy.

"He'll be in a room with Camille," Izzy said with the flick of her wrist freeing her bracelet that became her silver whip. "Ready?"

"Let's go." Alec grabbed her arm and dragged her around the back of the hotel. He pulled out his bow and shot an arrow killing the first vampire that walked around the corner just as he came around.

"Nice job, brother." Izzy smiled and took out the next vampire. "I've missed these little adventures. Think we can do them more often; without the silly mundane of course?"

Alec laughed, the sound echoing up to the roof of the next door building where Magnus crouched down watching. It had taken him a whole hour to find the shadowhunter and another hour to convince himself to still go even though he was a Lightwood. 

Magnus stood up and fixed his suit before jumping off the building. He landed easily behind the two shadowhunters. They didn't hear him or see him just as he wanted it. He was only there to watch and help if they needed it. Mostly, to watch Alexander, Alec to everyone else. He loved seeing how his muscles showed through his shirt and pants. Magnus wanted to grab him and shove him against the side of the building right then, but he needed to test the waters a little more first. He needed his shadowhunter to be into it too. 

"Izzy, how much longer?" Alec asked as he held the door closed.

"Two minutes." Izzy said.

"They need to hurry." Alec hissed as he opened the door, stabbed a vampire, and closed it again. "I'm getting bored."

"Alec you need to get laid or find some other way to relieve this tension." Izzy laughed at the blush on Alec's cheeks.

"You need to mind your own business."

"Whatever. They're on their way." Izzy put her phone back in her pocket.

"Good. I hope the mundane died." Alec opened the door and laughed as the vampires rushed him only to get hit by the rising sun. 

"Alec, help!" Jace called out as he helped the mundane to the door. 

Alec groaned and ran inside. He pulled the mundane out and tossed him on the ground. "There you go. He's alive, regretably. Now I'm going."

He turned and walked right into a solid form. He shook his head and looked up into a set of golden brown eyes.

"Hello, there." Magnus purred. 

"Um, ah, hi." Alec stuttered.

"What do you think about getting a drink?" Magnus asked.

"I don't know you." Alec said and glanced back at his friends.

"But, don't you want to?" Magnus asked with a wiggle of his eyebrows.

Alec was about to say yes against his better judgement when Jace smacked his back. "Who's your friend?"

Magnus rolled his eyes and held out his hand. "I'm Magnus Bane. You've been looking for me."

"How did you find us?"

"I'm a warlock." Magnus said simply.

"Right. Can we go somewhere to talk?"

"Sure." Magnus twirled his hand and made a portal. 

Jace stepped through then Magnus closed it.

"What just happened? Where did Jace go?" Alec demanded as the others joined them.

"Oh, don't worry he'll find his way home after he swims to shore." Magnus chuckled. "He can swim, right?"

"Yes." Alec said. 

"Good." Magnus looked at the others. "Meet me at my apartment." He handed Izzy a card with his adress. "Alec, you can come with me."

"How do you know my name?" Alec asked him as Magnus wrapped his arm around his shoulders.

"We can discuss it over drinks." Magnus whispered against his ear before the world shifted.

A/N Who else can't wait to see what Gothic Magnus's apartment looks like! Me!!! And don't worry the next one will have a little something, something😉

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