Dress Up

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"Magnus, wake up." Alec gently ran his hand over Magnus's shoulder to wake him up.

"Wake up sunshine." Alec cooed again, but Magnus just rolled over so Alec stepped seat. "All right it looks like you're not ready to handle all of this."

He walked out of the room into the guest room that currently housed a new friend. He smiled at the pink, sparkly walls that Magnus had decorated the day before.

"Good morning, sweetie." Alec kneeled down by where Madzie was playing with the dolls he had picked out for her.

"Morning. Where's Magnus?" Madzie asked without looking at Alec.

"He's still sleeping." Alec picked up one of her dolls and played with her. He was worried that she really only liked Magnus but then she grabbed his hand and he didn't care. She could like Magnus more than him but he still loved her.

"Can we play dress up? We can be quiet." Her eyes sparkled up at him.

Alec was confused. "Wouldn't you rather play that with Magnus?"

"He uses too much glitter." Madzie confessed.

"That's for sure." Alec chuckled. "Well let's go see what you have to wear."

"Do you want to see a trick?" Madzie asked squeezing Alec's hand.

"Of course." He sat back and she stood up.

"Get up." She grabbed both of his hands and tugged trying to pull him up.

"But I'm so comfortable." He joked.

"Ah!" He yelped as she used her magic to lift him up.

"There." She beamed.

"That's cheating." Alec reached for her and tickled her sides. Her giggle echoed through the room and Alec's heart soared.

"Stop it!" She giggled and grabbed at his hands.

"Fine. You're free." He released her after one last tickle. "Now show me your trick."

"Okay. Don't move." Madzie closed her eyes and Alec watched in wonder as her gills opened and closed as she focused.

Alec felt the air swirl around him then he smiled when he saw the metal armor appear over his clothes. Then yelped when the helmet clanked closed over his head.

"I did it!" Madzie hollered then covered her mouth. "Oops."

"What?" Alec asked still blind because of the helmet.

Madzie fell to the floor laughing. She kicked her legs and pointed.

"Did you put my helmet on backwards?" Alec asked in a silly voice.

"Yeah." Madzie giggled some more.

"Are you going to fix it?"


"Well fine." The metal clanked as he crossed his arms.

"You're silly." Madzie touched his hand then the helmet was on correctly. He looked at her through the eye slit.

"Oh look at my beautiful princess." Alec loudly knelt in his armor to look at Madzie better. She was in a purple princess dress with a gold crown.

"Do you like it?" She asked and did a twirl.

"I love it." Alec stood up again and suddenly was in a matching dress. "Um, Madzie?"

"We match!" She flung out her arms and hugged him. There was no way he could be embarrassed or upset by the dress with his little girls arms around him.

"Yes we do." He smiled down at her and kissed her hair. He couldn't believe she had only come to stay with them the day before. He couldn't even remember life before her.

Then he felt a shift in the air again and he was dressed like a prince. He took Madzie's hand and kissed it. "May I have this dance princess Madzie?"

"I'm not a princess." She giggled.

"You are right now." Alec said.

"Okay." A song from a Disney Princess movie came on and Madzie stood confused in front of Alec. "I don't know how to dance."

"That's okay." Alec pulled her closer. "Stand on my feet."

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, come on."

She stepped on his feet and he wrapped his arms around her. Then he began to twirl get around the room. After the song switched to another he picked her up and continued to dance around the room.

Magnus leaned against the doorway watching the live of his life dancing with the little warlock that he now knew was not leaving his life anytime soon. He watched in wonder as Alec dipped Madzie as she giggled.

Magnus stepped into the room and seamlessly wrapped his arms around Madzie so that she was between him and Alec as Alec continued to dance.

"You're not so bad Prince Alexander." Magnus winked over Madzie's head.

"You're not so bad yourself." Alec winked back.

"But I'm the best!" Madzie chimed.

"That you are princess." Magnus ruffled her hair.

A/N I know they won't really end up with Madzie but wouldn't it be so cute and perfect?! Anyway hope you enjoyed!

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