7. Lost in You

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"Magnus! Stop it!" Alec laughed so hard that he sorted.

"Make me, Alexander." Magnus smirked as he tickled the squirming Shadowhunter who was currently in his bed.

"I have a bow and arrow and I'm not afraid to use them." Alec tried to sound tough through peels of laughter. He reached towards the Night stand where his weapon was and was shocked to find Magnus had stopped so abruptly. Had that threat really worked?

Alec froze and looked up at Magnus. His eyes were almost black with intensity. Magnus's hands roamed under Alec's shirt but this time they moved slowly.

"Alexander, I know all about your arrow and your skills with that certain part of yourself." Magnus leaned down and kissed a trail from Alec's ear to his collarbone.

"Mag-ahh." Alec moaned as Magnus nibbled on his earlobe.

"Does my man like that?" Magnus whispered in a husky voice, his hot breath brushing against Alec's skin making him squirm. "Good, because you deserve it after defending me. No one has ever done that for me before."

Magnus pushed Alec's shirt up higher and Alec sat up and lifted his arms so he could pull it off. Magnus kissed his chest then bit it before looking up into Alec's blue eyes. "You deserve the world."

Magnus scooted down and kept kissing, nipping, and breathing his way down to Alec's belt. Alec tensed as Magnus undid it slowly. Then he unhooked the button on Alec's pants and pulled on the zipper.

Then Magnus promptly hopped up off the bed and glared at Alec. "And this is for earlier."

"What?" Alec exclaimed, sitting up. "By the angel, Magnus, I didn't do anything."

"You're such a guy." Magnus scolded.

"Well, yeah." Alec got up and did up his pants. "I'm sorry?"

"No, that's not it. You and Jace, I saw you with him." Magnus declared.

Alec grabbed Magnus's arm. "I have no idea what you're talking about. Sure I had feelings for him but that was a lifetime ago. Magnus," asked Alec touched Magnus's cheek, "you're the only one for me."

Magnus looked sad and pulled away. "You touched him just like that too."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Alec's head started to hurt. Then he felt nauseous.

"Alec are you okay?" Magnus asked.

"I don't feel okay," Alec squeezed his eyes closed.

"Alec, wake up. Please, come back." Jace's voice wafted into Alec's head.

"Jace!" Alec exclaimed. "Magnus, we need to get to Jace."

"Or we could never go near him again." Magnus offered with a wave of his hand.

"No, Magnus, there's nothing going on between Jace and me. He was helping me help you. I'm in your head, you've been unconscious for over a week." Alec said, suddenly remembering his mission.

"No, darling, I'm fine." Magnus held his arms out and did a twirl then added a wink. "In fact I'm better than fine."

"Magnus, please you need to focus. This isn't real." Alec pleaded.

"Yes it is. This, what's between us is real." Magnus said. "I'm sorry about getting upset."

"Yes, us, we're real. This isn't!" Alec shouted the last part and pointed to the room. "Look at that vase! You don't even have it anymore. I walked into the shelf and knocked it over. That comforter? It's from over a year ago. We're stuck in memories and fantasies."

Alec picked up the vase and threw it to the ground. Magnus reached his hand out then froze.

"I don't have my magic." Magnus's face went pale.

"Exactly. Now tell me how to help you get out." Alec grabbed onto Magnus.

In the blink of an eye everything disappeared. When Alec opened his eyes again he was face to face with Jace.

"By the Angel am I glad to see you awake." Jace hugged him tightly.

"It was only an hour." Alec chuckled.

"It's been 3 days Alec." Jace said and looked down. "I thought I had lost you too."

"I'm sorry Jace. What about Magnus?" Alec asked turning over to see Magnus laying still.

"I'm sorry Alec." Jace whispered.

"No, he has to be okay. Magnus, please wake up. You have to come back. I love you." Alec shook Magnus's shoulders then fell against him. He finally leaned up and kissed Magnus's lips.

"I always knew you had magical lips, Alexander." Magnus murmured.

"Magnus! Thank the angel!" Alec kissed him again and again.

"Wait, are you really saying that Alec woke you up with a kiss?" Jace asked, bug-eyed.

A/N Hope you enjoyed this storyline as much as I enjoyed writing it. I seriously love your comments! Thank you for them and voting! I have the idea for the next one shot but I'm thinking of doing another multi-part story. What do you think? Any ideas?

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