Alone Time 😉

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Alec walked into the closet with a towel wrapped around his waist. His hair dripped water down his chest but he ignored it. He needed to pick what to wear, today was an important day. He was going out with Magnus. Izzy would be perfect to pick out what he should wear but she was off somewhere keeping Jace, Clary, and that other annoying mundane distracted so he could sneak out. 

He hadn't planned to tell her about the date, but she was a smart girl. It was like she always knew what was going on with him. Hell, she was the one that knew Magnus liked him and that he liked Magnus even before he was prepared to share that information with himself. 

"Blue." He tapped his chin. Magnus said that he liked blue on him the last time they saw each other which felt like it had been forever ago when in fact it had been two days. Alec pushed clothes aside with vigor and finally froze. "It's perfect."

He pulled the towel off and dried himself before rubbing his hair to get rid of the stray water then tossed the towel to the chair in his room. He pulled on his black jeans, the ones that were newer so they were still actually black, unlike the other pairs that had faded to grey. 

He checked his phone and only had one message. It was from Izzy telling him to go and have fun.

He smiled before tucking his phone in his pocket. He quietly opened his window and jumped out. He landed softly on his feet and took off jogging to the train. Alec got on to the train and stood in the corner away from the mundanes, but watching them closely. No one reacted to him being there because he always used the rune to keep them from seeing him. He preferred being invisible except when it came to Magnus; with Magnus he liked being seen.

"Hello, Alexander." Magnus pulled the door open with a flourish and a huge smile broke out on his face; he probably looked like a crazy person.

"Magnus." Alec nodded, still with the goofy grin on his face. He blushed.

"You look delicious." Magnus licked his lips. 

"Ah, thanks." Alec blushed even more and secretly cheered. He had picked out the right clothes all by himself! The blue button up shirt had been the right choice.

"That blue perfectly matches your eyes." Magnus looked him up and down again.

"Um, I like your, ah, you too." Alec stuttered. How was he supposed to act normal when Magnus looked at him like that?

Magnus chuckled and motioned for Alec to come inside. Alec walked inside and stood just inside the door as Magnus walked to the couch and took a seat. Alec got distracted by the multi-colored shirt and stayed frozen, and he wasn't sure what to do. Did Magnus want him to sit down?

"Alexander, come, sit." Magnus patted the couch cushion next to him. "I won't bite, well unless you want me to."

He winked at that last part and Alec smiled again. 

"You don't say much do you?"  Magnus took Alec's hand in his own slowly as to not scare the boy away.

"You learn not to growing up with Jace." Alec said and prayed to the angels that his hand wouldn't start sweating.

"Yes, the blonde is a chatter and bossy." Magnus said. 

"Yeah, but he's a good guy." Alec felt like he had to defend Jace. "I mean he-"

Magnus cut Alec off with the touch of his finger to Alec's lips. "Shh, we're not here to talk about the blonde. Tell me about you."

"I'm good at archery." Alec shrugged. There wasn't much to tell about him. He was as plain as his black pants. 

"So, you're good with arrows and hitting things?" Magnus asked with the wiggle of his eyebrows. Alec knew he was saying more than what he was actually saying but he had no idea what. 

"Yeah, I'm good with long bows too." Alec just went with what he knew. "But, those can be a lot to handle sometimes."

"Sure, I do have a long bow but I think you could handle it." Magnus sank in closer, wrapping his arm around the back of the couch behind Alec. 

"Y-Y-you d-d-do?" Alec stuttered. They were clearly not talking about the actual weapon anymore, in fact, Magnus probably never was. 

"What do you think about pizza?" Magnus asked leaning in ever closer.

"I like it?" Alec said as if it were a question.

"Me too." Magnus's lips were a breath away from Alec. If he leaned forward a tiny bit they'd be touching. He was just going to when Magnus hopped up from the couch. 

"One pizza, right up." He waved his hand to the coffee table and a pizza appeared but Alec couldn't have cared less. All he wanted was standing in front of him.

 Alec took a calming breath and got up. Without warning, he reached up cupping Magnus's face and smashed his lips against Magnus's. Magnus froze for just a second before wrapping his arms around Alec. He linked his fingers in the belt loops of Alec's jeans and pulled him closer. 

Alec pulled away and kissed Magnus's neck just like he often did to Alec. Magnus's fingers danced up Alec's back underneath his shirt. It tickled but only enough for it to add to the sensation of kissing Magnus. Alec felt a shiver run down his back as he kissed Magnus again.

Minutes later they pulled away both breathing heavy. Alec's shirt was wrinkled but niether of them cared.

"You sure are a quick study, Alexander." Magnus said breathlessly.

"I've had a magnificent teacher." Alec winked and Magnus about died. Where had that confidence come from and how could he get Alec to keep it?

A/N Hope you liked this little moment! Love you all! Next up: the multi part filled with danger, sadness, adventure, and whole bunch of Malec!

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