9. The Bet Fulfilled

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A/N Thank you so much for getting this over 5,000 reads! That's awesome!

Alec lit a fire in the fire pit and pulled out the stuff for dinner from the ice chest. It was his turn to cook and since it was their last night away he wanted to make it special. And it helped his mood that he had won the bet. He couldn't wait for Magnus to follow through with his punishment.

Alec started to cut up the veggies and meat as he waited. It was taking Magnus longer than it should be. "Hey, Magnus you're not hiding are you?"

"What? Me?" Magnus peeked his head out of the tent. "Not at all."

"Sure," Alec laughed and wrapped the meat and veggies up in foil. "Well dinner is on the coals so it's time for your thing."

"Come on Alexander. You don't really want me to do this." Magnus climbed out of the tent with a bag in hand.

"You would have made me dance in that outfit and we know it. You're just a sore loser." Alec leaned over and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. "Now get it out."

Magnus pouted. "Come on Alec, I'll promise to not get glitter on you for a whole month, well week because a month would be ridiculous."

"Magnus, we're camping and I just got covered in glitter from kissing your cheek. A day would be impossible let alone a week." Alec loved seeing how nervous Magnus was.

"Fine." Magnus pulled out the scissors and razor. "You're going to have to do it. I can't destroy my beautiful hair myself."

"That works for me." Alec shrugged and took the scissors.

"You are a monster." Magnus sat on his chair and pouted.

"A monster that beat you," Alec whispered into Magnus's ear and laughed.

He then took a chunk of Magnus's hair and held it between his fingers. "Are you ready, Magnus?"

"No." He pretended to cry.

"Magnus you do realize that I'm only cutting off half an inch and shaving off your facial hair so I can kiss you without getting scratched for one night." Alec giggled and kissed Magnus's cheek again.

"Fine, when you put it like that. I'll allow it." Magnus waved his hand in the air and his facial hair disappeared before Alec had to shave it. And his hair became a tiny bit shorter. He had to admit it felt nice. It was the perfect length, but he wouldn't tell Alec that.

"Perfect." Alec rubbed his hand over Magnus's smooth cheek down to his chin as he stepped around him to be in front of him. "So smooth."

"Maybe it's not horrible." Magnus turned and kissed Alec's palm. "So how about we have our dessert before dinner."

"Magnus we can't cook s'mores over the foil dinners. It'll make them taste like beef." Alec responded matter of factly.

"No, Alec," Magnus shook his head at his adorable, naïve boyfriend. "I was not talking about the s'mores."

"Then what?" It donned on Alec. "Oh. Oh."

"There we go." Magnus smirked at him and batted his eyes.

"Well, we do have another half hour to wait for the food to be ready." Alec straddled Magnus in his chair.

"Really? Only a half hour? I guess we can start now then finish later." Magnus wrapped his arms around Alec and kissed his neck. Then nibbled a little before kissing him hard enough to leave a mark.

"So you'll remember this when you are back home alone in bed." He nibbled on Alec's ear before pulling back to look at him.

"You know I'll have to explain that away to my parents, right?" Alec chuckled and blushed.

"Or you could just tell them." Magnus kissed the corner of Alec's mouth.

"They would die. And I don't want to ruin what we have by sharing it yet." Alec whispered then moaned as Magnus licked Alec's top lip before sucking on it lightly.

"I suppose we can keep it our secret for a little longer." Magnus whispered against Alec's lips.

"Thank you Magnus." Alec kissed him hard. Thankfully he had had plenty of practice by now so he was able to feel confident about kissing Magnus. Their tongues fought for control and Alec ran his fingers through Magnus's hair. Magnus ran his fingers over Alec's naked back and massaged his shoulders.

After a couple of minutes they pulled away from each other and Alec leaned his forehead against Magnus's. "Well that was definitely better than a s'more." Alec whispered still out of breath.

"I would agree, but you know I'd choose you over chocolate any day." Magnus whispered back.

A/N Next chapter will be a one shot! Thanks for reading, voting, and commenting. 

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