7. Talking

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"Are we going to talk about what I just walked into?" Jace asked once we were outside.

"I'd prefer not to." Alec said still shaking from fear. Was Jace going to hate him now or stop talking to him? What if Jace didn't want to be his friend anymore? 

"That's too bad." Jace declared with a kick of a rock. "We need to talk about it. I can't allow this friendship to keep going like this."

Alec felt tears burning his eyes and a lump in his throat. Jace was leaving him. His only true friend was going to ditch him because he was gay. His worst fear was becoming a reality. "I get it. I'll drop your stuff off and switch rooms."

"What?" Jace grabbed Alec's arm to keep him from walking away. "Alec is that what you really want?"

"Yes, I don't want to live with someone who's disgusted by me. I've spent too long pretending. I'm not going to keep doing it." Alec said without looking at his best friend. "I'm sorry that it bothers you, but it's who I am."

"Woah, Alec." Jace stepped in front of Alec and kept his hand on his arm. "Do you really think that little of me?"

Alec didn't say anything. He just kept looking at the ground.

"Alec, you're my best friend. I wouldn't care if you told me that you were into goats. I'm hurt that you were afraid to tell me. I hate that you felt like I couldn't handle the truth. I love you, not in that way, but if I were gay..." Jace wiggled his eyebrows.

"Please," Alec smiled and wiped away the stray tear. "You're so not my type."

Jace clutched his chest in faux pain. "How could I not be your type? I'm everyone's type. I mean, look at me." 

"You're an ass." Alec laughed and shoved Jace.

"That too, but a loveable one right?" Jace laughed.

"Yes." Alec leaned forward and hugged Jace. "Thank you."

"What are friends for?" Jace patted his back and they pulled apart. "Now, about what I walked in on."

Alec blushed and ran his fingers through his hair. "Yeah, I fell."

"You fell?"  Jace asked with air quotes. "Actually you probably did."

"Yeah. Then he well um, you know." Alec motioned with his hand for Jace to continue himself.

"So he kissed you?" Jace forced himself to not shake his head at the weird feeling of asking that question. Sure, he had his suspensions but it was different knowing the truth. He was seriously hurt that Alec felt he had to hide a part of himself even if he could understand why.

"I guess." Alec grinned from ear to ear. 

"If you have to guess he wasn't doing it right." Jace pointed out. 

"I was definitely doing it right!" Magnus's voice joined there and they both jumped as Magnus walked outside to join them. 

"Yes, I've been listening to you the whole time." He responded to their confused looks. "Hey, it's my house that you're standing outside of and Alec you left without my number."

"Ah, uh, oh." Alec stuttered. 

"Right, Alec's not the best at talking sometimes," Jace said to cover for his blushing friend.

"I know." Magnus chuckled. "But, he's not bad at using his lips for other things." He winked.

"God, could you not talk about that while I'm standing between you two?" Jace scoffed. "Alec, I'll meet you at the car."

Jace walked away shaking his head.

"Hey," Magnus said walking down the front steps to Alec.

Alec still couldn't speak. What was he supposed to say? He had never been in a situation like this. He finally did the only thing he could think of doing, the one thing he wanted to do at that moment. He closed the distance between them and grabbed Magnus by the front of his shirt and yanked on it pulling Magnus against him. He kissed him hard. He feasted on Magnus's lips with a hunger he didn't know he could possess. 

Magnus didn't move for a second, worried that if he did Alec would get scared away, but then he couldn't stop himself. He kissed Alec back and snaked his arms around Alec. He slid his fingers slowly under Alec's shirt and caressed his back. Alec moaned against his lips. 

What felt like a lifetime later but in reality was only a couple of minutes Alec and Magnus broke apart and leaned against each other breathing heavily. Magnus started to laugh and Alec stepped away.

"Did I mess up? Do it wrong or something?" Alec asked nervously.

"Are you kidding me?" Magnus lifted Alec's chin with his finger. "That was incredible."

"Then why are you laughing?" Alec asked him.

"Well, you kind of stepped on my foot and it was killing me the whole time. When I touched your back I was trying to push you back but then you made that sound and I forgot."

"Shit, I'm sorry. Is your foot okay?" Alec looked down and saw the dirty shoe print on Magnus's shiny black shoe.

"My foot's fine. It's the shoes that I was worried about, but honestly you could ruin all of my shoes and I'd still want to kiss you again. Well, maybe." Magnus smiled.

"I won't." Alec smiled. "Do you think I could make it up to you?"

"And how do you propose you so that?" Magnus gave him a feisty smile.

"I was thinking dinner." Alec offered.

"I think that might work." Magnus reached forward and fixed Alec's collar. "How about tonight?"

"I'll pick you up at 7." Alec nodded and turned away.

"Aren't you a prince in charming? If you come in anything less than a chariot I'll be disappointed." Magnus called after him.

"Then a chariot I'll have," Alec called back and jogged to where he could see Jace waiting in the distance. 

"Jace, I need you to help me move to a different country," Alec demanded when he got to him.

"What? Why?" Jace asked confused.

"I asked him out," Alec said in dismay.

"Which leads to you moving out of the country how?" Jace raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"I obviously can't go. Have you met me? I need to disappear." Alec declared and gripped Jace's shirt. "You'll help me, won't you."

"Alec," Jace laughed. "You need to calm down. From what I saw he likes you. You're going on that date."

"But, I told him I'd have a chariot! Who the hell even says that?" Alec was shouting by then.

A/N Hey! Hope you enjoyed it! The last part of this one will be tomorrow's which will be their first date. Also, just so you know I'm going on vacation so I might not be writing anything for the next couple of days after tomorrow. I won't be back until the 1st. But, I'll see what I can do. Thanks, as always, for reading, voting, and commenting. Love you all!

Oh, and I'm two episodes behind now and I'm probably going to wait a week or two to get caught up because I don't want to watch until the whole Malec thing is fixed haha. Yes, I am a scaredy cat! 

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