Chapter 12

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     America was conscious about Kriss. Her escape had kept her busy now for days. Aspen had searched for suspects, but there was no use. The little devil was no where! Reaching into her thoughts, America tried to put herself in her shoes. Right now she was standing on her throne, currently surrounded by idiotic politicians and advisers. These meetings bored her terribly and this was a good way to distract her from the overload of stupidity in the room. She knew they meant well, but to her, they were such idiots! They were clearly unaware of her superior intelligence! The damn politicians talked to her as if she had no idea what she was doing!

She closed her eyes and focused. If I were Kriss she thought, where would someone take me? To my family? No no she said to herself in a hushed tone. To the forest?? No, that would be evident. Someone tapped her arm.

"What, What is it?!!", the queen said in an irritated voice.

"My queen were you asleep? Im sorry but this is a very important matter, please focus", said her most despised adviser. His name was Theo, and he was truly the biggest , most annoying living creature the queen had ever known. His scrunched face made her think of a garbage bag, and if she could, she would have loved to barbecue him for lunch. But that would have been cannibalism, and probably way too much paperwork.

"For your information Theodore (he hated when he was called that way), I was not asleep, but simply thinking about the death of my husband. I am sure you are to understand that his loss has been very hard for me. Now please continue."


They returned to the conservation, and America back to her daydreaming. Kriss where would you be, she thought. Then sitting on her throne it clicked. A sudden idea struck her and her entire body twitched.

" I found her ", America screamed at the top of her lungs. Heads turned to her direction. All of them stared at her.

" Im so sorry to leave this here gentlemen, but I have a very important subject on my hands, I have to leave."

     The queen's feet shuffled its way to her room and she was bursting with excitement. She called over Mr. Leger from her room telephone, and waited impatiently. This was truly the best news!

     Moments later the man appeared at her door. Dressed in his full  uniform, he looked perplexed.

"What is it America!", he whispered in a hushed tone.

"I figured it out she said, or at least I think !! I think someone took her! Maybe a guard or one of my advisers I don't know. I just know that's what it is, it's the only answer!",  said the woman, almost screaming.

"Okay okay no need to get worked up, I'll keep my eyes open", said Aspen.

America stared into his deep eyes and walked slowly towards him. Tension filled the room. Anxiety rushed over her like a blanket but it didn't stop her. She reached for his neck and kissed him. Her lips touching his as they used to years in te treehouse. She had missed him so much.  Pulling away the expression on his face was priceless. He was surprised. Taking steps back he knew what she had done. Turning his body he was out of the room almost instantly.

" Wait Aspen I never stopped loving you, please don't go"

He was gone now, and probably never talk or help her again. What had she been thinking. He was a married man, with a happy life. How could have this evolved?! She sat on her bed and curled her legs to her chest. Tears poured out of her glass eyes. Couldn't she for once have her happy ending too?

America's revenge ( fanfiction on The Selection)Where stories live. Discover now