Chapter 18

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The young woman walked the halls of the palace with her head up high and a fake smile plastered on her face. If they even suspected her as a killer, she would never remain queen. In Illea, if you were even suspected of murder they would lock you up without question thanks to the rebels. And to think that all this had started with Maxon.

Hearing the clicking of her heels, she felt a burst of confidence swell in her throat as she proudly arrived in the ballroom. Servants, caterrers, florists, musicians all buzzed, and she could feel the change of atmosphere as soon as her feet were in the room.

"My queen what type of flowers would you like"
"My queen what piece of music is most preferable for the party"

She had totally forgot about the party.

"My queen.."

"STOP!!!", yelled America interrupting the poor servant.
"Please one at a time"

Suggestions were thrown in and out and by the end of the afternoon she could no longer take a single suggestion. With the ballroom finalized, all she had to do was present herself when it was time all of her work would be a success . She saluted the crew of helpers, and stepped out of the room still confident that know one had suspected her. At least, she hoped.



Day and night, Kriss's practices grew longer and longer. The battle was coming though Georgia wasn't said it, she could feel it. In her body, her muscles strengthened and her heart felt confident. At the start training was always difficult considering her petite muscles structure. She was extremely weak due to the lack of exercise in her life, and she could barely even do a push up.

She heard a voice interrupting her thoughts.

"Kriss I need to talk to you", Georgia said as she sat on the love-seat. She had always thought the couch was such a beautiful pieces of decor, considering their lack of money. The floral design, the nice material.

"Alright, what's going on?, asked Kriss.

"We have a plan to attack in two days."

"Isn't this a little quick, she said?". Of course she had seen it coming but really two days. It didn't leave her a lot of time to stress about it. Maybe that a good thing, she thought.

"You've been training now for weeks, and I,  sorry we think you are ready", said the woman reaching her hand for her husband.

"Can't we just wait?"

"We'll miss our opportunity! Please Kriss don't do this now! You can't back down, we need you."

We need you, the young girl repeated to herself. We need you.
She got up from the couch, dusted of her pants, and turned her head towards Georgia.

"Okay, what's the plan".


Sorry I haven't been active in a while, I had to study for  finals. Now that they are over I am hoping that I can post once a week or once every two weeks. 💜💜

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