2. You/He Holds The Baby For The First Time

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"Do you want to hold him?" Harry asked as he walked in with Aiden cradled in his arms. You slowly sat up with a pillow behind your back as you nodded, stretching your arms out to finally hold your baby boy that was at least a couple hours old now.

"He's gorgeous." You mumble, brushing the pad of your finger over his tiny forehead. 

"He's been quiet ever since last night." He chuckled, laying next to you on the hospistal bed as you waited for the doctor to come back with the check up.

Last night, you and Harry had to go to the hospital since you did have a water birth at home, and now you were waiting for the doctor come back with the test results. You turned your head to looked out the window, seeing the sun emerging from behind the dark clouds.

"Mr and Mrs Styles." The doctor called out as he walked into the private room. You nodded, still cradling the silent boy. "We ran a few tests and seems he has..." He stopped, flicking a few pages on his clipboard. "Social Anxiety Disorder. Here's a sheet that explains it." He handed Harry a yellow piece of paper. "Usually we would check them for something like this when they're about a year old, but since we got new equpiment we were able to find out now. When he is older, you should see the signs of stuttering and shyness." The docter explained, Harry nodded as he read the paper, obviously seeing it on the piece of paper.

"Okay, thanks." Harry said, placing the paper near the bag that was full of bags just in case something went wrong at home. "At least we know why he's so quiet." Harry chuckled lightly, brushing some hair strand out of your face.


"Do you want to hold her love?" Louis asked as you pushed the horrible hospital food away from you, immediately nodding as you waited for the small, pink bundle to be laid in your arms. 

"Hey Em." You cooed, moving her closer to your chest as she continued to sleep quietly. You were still in the hospital bed, waiting for Jay to come over with some clean clothes for Louis to change into since he hasn't gotten out of his current ones in 2 days. 

"The doctor said she was healthy as and would be able to go home in a few days after they settle her down and get her used to a few things with out help of course." He smiled, clutching your elbow gently and leaning up to peck you cheek, making you blush instantly.

"Okay." You nodded, turning your attention back to Emma who now had her eyes wide open. "Hello blue eyes." You giggle.


"Do you want to hold Eli and I hold Ethan?" You asked. Zayn's face lit up with holding his other son and he nodded his head furiously, handing over Eth to you and holding Eli.

"Eli is so quiet." He chuckled. "A little to quiet." He looked up at you to see your face with a bright smile as you held Eth. "Are you okay with him, he is pretty fidgety." He asked worried.

"Z, he's my son..of course I'm fine with him being fidgety." You laughed and pecked the top of Ethan's head, making him stop squirming for a few seconds before startin up again. "And I think he is going to be a lady's man." You laugh, Zayn joining in too.

"I think Eli's going to be our nerd." Zayn grinned. "I thought twins were supposed to act the same." He frowned. You shook your head laughing.


"Hey Misty." Liam cooed as he sat on the chair the was set next to the bed you were still laying on in the private room, looking around to see everything cleaned again. 

"Already a nickname huh?" You raise an eyebrown and smile at him.

"Yup, I got others...want to here them?" He asked, you nodded your head, still smiling at his adorableness. "Okay, so there is Pumpkin." You nodded. "Princess and then Angel." He smiled, looking at the sleeping body that was wrapped up in the same blanket.

"They sound perrrfect." You laugh, doing what he did in Best Song Ever.

"I love you." He gave you a small smile, standing up and laying next to you on the bed, Misteria still in his arms. 

"I love you too." You smiled, pecking his lips.


"You're going to be a Tomboy Ava." Niall spoke, obviously thinking you were still asleep as he watched football (soccer) on the T.V that they had in the hospital room that you had to yourself. "I'm going to teach you everything I know." He chuckled, still talking to her as she looked up at him with her eyes that were the same colour as yours. "You look so much like your Mum." He whispered, making you sniff as you watched him, making his head snap towards you. "Love, are you okay?" He asked, still holding Ava in his arms. You nodded, sitting up slightly.

"Yeah, I just heard everything you said." You laugh inbetween your laughs. He blushed and wiped your eyes.

"When ever I look at Ave, I see you all over." He grinned and handed his little princess back over to you. "I love you so much...both of you."

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