14. Breastfeeding and Burping

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"how's he doing kitten?" Harry asked as he walked into the bedroom while you sat on the bed with Aiden in your lap, breastfeeding him.

"He hasn't bitten me once yet." You smile and look up to see Harry holding his phone in his hands. Harry!?" You shriek, managing to smile at the last second. "You can't take photos while a mother is breastfeeding, jesus." You shake your head.

"I'm sorry." Harry smiled, pecking your cheeks and showing the photo.

"I don't look that bad." You shrug, turning back to your son. "I think he's done." You then pick up Aiden and place him over your shoulder, patting his back lightly so you could burp him. 

"Your so adorable." You giggle, hearing Aiden burp.

"Thanks love." Harry smiles.

"Not you!"


"Lou, she keeps biting." You whisper in pain as Emma kept biting on you. 

"Here, let me take her while you rest for a while." Louis said taking Emma away from you and placing her in his lap when she started crying again. 

"Here let me take her again." You sniff, placing her so she could drink once more. You jumped every now and then until you felt nothing and looked down to see she had stopped. "She's full, did you want to burp her?" You ask Louis.

"Yeah, I'll take her you go take a bath...I'll be in there soon." He kissed your temple and walked out to burp Em in her room.


"When can we give them the bottle?" Zayn asked, seeing you breastfeeding both the twins as they rested their bodies on a pillow.

"I want to give it them when they're around 2-3 weeks Z, I don't want them to start out too young." You answer. He nodded and sat down next to you. 

"I'm so proud of you." Zayn whispered, brushing the hair out of your face.

"I'm proud of me too." You laugh and lean over a little bit to kiss him. "Can you burp Ethan and I burp Eli?" You ask, wanting some help to burp the twins. He nodded and reached over to grab Ethan, putting him in a burping position and patting and rubbing his pack while he paced around the room. You sat on the couch, burping Eli until you swapped boys.


You were in the bedrrom, resting aganist the headboard as you breastfeeded Misteria. Liam then comes in and frowns, making you confused and a bit embarrassed.

"What's wrong?" You ask as Liam sits next to you and puts his head right next to Misteria.

"You do know those are mine?" Liam mumbles to your daughter as she drink, not really caring.

"Liam! Don't say that, these aren't yours anyway." You laugh, making him pout. "Okay, they're your sometimes." You giggle, running your hand through his hair. He nodded and laid down next to you, tracing patterns on your thighs.

"Can you burp here will I go and change?" You hand over Misty and head into the bathroom, brushing your hair back down and changing your clothes into fresh clean ones. "Has she be-" You were cut off with the sigh of Misty laying on the bed with Liam's arm hanging gently over her.


You had to breastfeed Ava 3 times a day since that's all she wanted...food. She takes eactly after her father. Personality, appetite and a bit of his facial features too.

"Niall, she's already been fed." You groan, placing Ava in comfotable position. "She'll have to go on the bottle earlier than usual at this rate because I wont be able to feed her at all." You mumble.

"I know princess." He kisses your forehead and after a few more minutes of feeding a very hungry Ava, you handed her over to Niall so he could burp her. "Get some rest though love...I'll take care of her." Niall smiled, pulling the covers over you with his free hand and pecking your lips.

"Make sure she sleeps on her back tonight or she'll hurt her shoulder again." You warned.

"I wil, now sleep."


Sorry if these are short and all, I just didn't know how to write this chapter because it's about Breastfeeding and Burping so it kind of confused me a bit so yeah...but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

Jezabel01 Xx

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