13. Baby's First Christmas - Special Bonus

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Before I head into this chapter, I just want to say that I'm trying to make this extra long so I don't extend the chapters by each step they lead up to Christmas, so I'm putting it all in this one chapter. So it will all start from Christmas buying to Christmas Day. Hope you enjoy!

Also, some this may have a bit of sexual conversations, but not physical :)


Christmas Shopping- "I want to get Harry and Aiden something nice this year." You say to Anne and Gemma, walking around the shopping centre that was nicely decorated with Christmas lights, sigs and stickers on all the windows.

"Get Harry converses, he'll wear them till he's 40." Gemma scoffs playfully. 

You had thought of getting him some new converses, but then you remembered how full your shoe rack was with his shoes that you couldn't really buy him anymore since he owned everything single colour...yes, including pink.

"No, not converses...ugh this is so frustrating." You groan. 

"Maybe you could get him something to put on his necklace he always wears." Anne shrugged, looking through all the baby clothes for Aiden.

"I could get him a locket with me and Aiden in it." You shrugged, not really thinking to much about it, seeing it was an idea.

"He's gonna love that (Y/N). Even if it's just a couple of small photos in a locket, he's going to remember you both more on tour." Gemma smiled, hugging me as she carried the bag with all the things she recently bought for Aiden.

"Okay, I'll get him that."

Decorating- It's been a week since you ordered a newly made locket for Harry. It was a bit dear, but you wanted something that he would love. 

You and Harry were going around decorating the lounge room with tinsel and putting the tree up. Aiden was upstairs asleep in his room, and you and Harry both new he wouldn't be awake for a few hours. 

Aiden hasn't been much of a crier, which made it good for you and Harry on most nights but when it was a night were Aiden was just not that happy, you would literally feel the floor move from under your feet.

"Oh, look what I got Aiden." You smile, holding up a box of nappies that had the print of Santa all over them. "Aren't they adorable!?" You silently shriek, making Harry chuckle and kiss your lips.

"Very adorable." He laughed, going back to cleaning up. "I have your Christmas present ready." Harry smirked, knowing you would beg him to know what it is. "And no, you're not knowing what it is." He chuckled.

"Fine." You huffed, knowing you wouldn't find out till Christmas morning. "I can't believe this will be his first Christmas." You sigh, putting the stocking up on the door knob with the words 'Baby's First Christmas' written in blue cursive in the blue material.

"Same here." Harry smiled.

Christmas Eve Breakfast (The Boys and Girls)- You, Harry, Aiden and all the boys and their girlfriends were sitting around the large table at one of the morning cafe's. Seeing as it was Christmas Eve, you couldn't wait to give Harry his present, let alone Aiden's. 

"(Y/N) and Harry this is for you." Perrie smiled, handing you a long black box with gold ribbion around it. On the note that was attatched to it said; 'Don't get to carried away' written in Perrie's neat handwriting. You frowned and looked at Harry in confusion as he did to you.

"Jesus Perrie." Harry laughed, looking at what was in the box. You grabbed out the big bottle of the strongest alchole that you could find in the store along with condoms beside it. 

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