8. Meeting the Others

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"They are going to love you." You whispered to Aiden as you changed him into fresh clothes and walked down stairs with his blue dummy in his mouth, just laying quietly in your arms. After getting home a few days ago, the boys have been waiting to meet the new additon to the Styles family.

"Is he ready?" Harry asked, a small cup of coffee in his hand as he walked over to you. "Were going to have to keep the boys quiet for a while." He sighed, referring to Aiden's anxiety. You nodded.

"You better remind them." Just after you said that, the door bell rung through the house and Harry was quick to get the door before they all barged in and trampled on both of you. You heard the faint talking from down the hallway and soon enough, 4 boys with huge smiles on their faces had creeped in and hugged you gently since you still had Aiden in your arms.

"Can I hold him?" Zayn was the first to ask since he was the godfather. You nodded, sending Aiden over to him and sat on the couch with the boys and Harry. "So how have you been?" Zayn continued on with starting a conversation.


"She's so adorable." Danielle cooed as she played with Emma. You smiled as you felt Louis' arm wrap around your waist and kiss your temple, earning a smile from you.

"Emma Jay Tomlinson." Liam smiled, having a go at holding Em. "She's got your eyes Lou." He chuckled, looking directly into her eyes. You nodded and went with Danielle into the kitchen while the boys sat in the lounge room.

"Can you take me out shopping sometime, I need new clothes." You looked down, embaressed that you needed new things once again. 

"Don't be ashamed, I know an awesome place to get clothes for women who just had a baby!" She silently squealed.

"You just made that up." You shook your head, smiling a bit as you went to get the boys a drink from the fridge.

"Okay maybe I did, but they have really good clothes that your can just squeeze through into." She rolled her eyes as she picked at the chips. "I'll take you out during the week inbetween rehearsals." She smiled, bringing you in for a hug. "By the way, Emma is adorable." She added on, walking out of the kitchen. "The boys are her (Y/N)!" She called.

When you walked in, everyone was huddled around the couch as Louis sat with Emma in his arms, her head leaning on his chest as she looked up at everyone. It was adorable.


"Me and (Y/W/N) are splitting up." Niall mumbled, stepping through the front door as he walked into the kitchen where Zayn was with the boys.

"Are you serious!" You asked, shocked as since they looked perfectly happy together. "What about the kids?" You looked at Zayn, him having the same shocked look on his face since he had heard the conversation from the front door.

"She wants nothing to do with them, she was cheating on me the whole time saying she was sick or she was working late." He shrugged, obviously he didn't have anything left to cry out.

"We'll be here for you mate." Zayn patted him on the shoulder, squeezing it a bit before letting go. "If it makes you anymore happier, we have 2 people we want you to meet." Just as Zayn was about to hand Niall Ethan...

"I'M HERE TO SEE MY FAVOURITE NEPHEWS!" A familiar British accent rumbled through the house as laughter erupted.

"I though I was your favourite nephew?" Liams 13 year old son looked up at Harry.

"Let's just say I've said this to all my nephews." He bluntly said before walking towards we're you were in the living room. "Can I hold one?" He excitedly asked.

"Hang on, Niall is the godfather, let him hold them both first and then you can have a turn." You giggled, Harry nodding and waiting his turn.


"Smile!" Liam called as he took a photo with Misty, Harry and your sister together. All the boys and their girlfriends were outside sitting at the table in your's and Liam's backyard. Everyone wanted to meet the new addition to the family and it was hitting off well. 

"She's sooooo cute." Perrie whispered to you as you put Misteria on your lap.

"Did you want to hold her?" Perrie nodded quickly and reached out for the tiny bundle. As Perrie was holding her, Liam came over and sat on the edge of your chair, leaning down to leave a peck on your cheek before brushing your hair out of your face and behind your ear.

"They love her." He chuckled, looking around as everyone was in their own little conversation. You nodded and grabbed his hand, interwining your fingers with his as you leaned on his shoulder.

"I'm so tired." You mumble, soon feeling yourself being lifted up and put on Liam's lap.

"Go to sleep then, I'll put you to bed if you do." He mumbled into your neck.


"You guys did an awesome job!" Louis laughed, referring to how gorgeous little Ava was. She was starting to grunt now and you knew she would be a talker just like her Dad. :Little blonde strands of hair were popping out and your eyes were starting to come through more and more, making her more beautiful.

"How old is she?" El asked.

"A week and a half old." You giggled, realising it wasn't that long ago you had her. Since she was early, she was a bit smaller than other babies her size, but you knew she would be fine.

You watched as everyone got a turn at holding Ava for a while and then passing her on. Niall then came in with a bottle of water in his hand and a packet of chips in the other, holding them both out for you took take, which you happily did. 

"Is everyone okay with her." He whispered into your ear, pulling you into his chest. You nodded and continued to watch them.


So I have started to do more updates on this book and I'm thinking of starting up the Vampire Series again, that's if you want me to as well. 

The babies are finally home and I've had an idea of there being another baby in the series, like maybe in the toddler series and all that. Meaning that (Y/N) in the story will have another baby and that in toddler series that I AM PLANNING TO DO the kids will be a little more older and can like help out and all that. The idea was from a FAN that goes to my school because she found out it was me, funny story actually :) But she suggested it and it was such a great idea I needed to ask you guys about it.

So if you want their to be another baby in this story, comment and give me your answers.

Next update will be tomorrow :)  Maybe

Jezabel01 Xx

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