12. 28th Night At Home

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You woke up to another night where Aiden woke you and Harry up. Groaning, you were about to get up but only to be pushed back down by Harry.

"I'll get him kitten." He whispered, getting out and slipping out the door to your sons room. 

After 3 minutes of Harry being gone, Aiden had finally quietened down leaving the house completely silent. You sighed, getting out of bed to check up on Aiden and Harry, just in case they fell asleep on each other again.

When you reached the familiar white door, you peeked your head in to find Harry slowly walking around the room singing Little Things to him as he did so. 


"Time for bed Blue Eyes." You smile, putting Emma in her cot and slowly closing the door as you walk out. You sigh in relief as you walk into your shared bedroom, seeing Louis laying on the bed with his phone in his hands.

"Is she asleep?" Lou asked, setting his phone down and pulling back the blanket for you to get in. You nodded, getting in your spot as you snuggled into his side.

Just then, you heard a few motorbikes speading down your street causing loud noises to erupt outside. You and Lou sat still, not saying anything and not moving. After 3 seconds, your heard the familiar scream of Em.

"Fuck." You whisper to yourself, getting up and tending to your child. "I'm just going to bring her in with us." You mumbled, bringing Emma back in with you as you placed her inbetween pillows.


You and Zayn were standing at both change tables, throughing out dirty nappies and putting on fresh, clean ones. Making sure their pyjamas were all buttoned up and ready, placing them in their new crib you got. Having 2 separate cribs took up way to much space for your liking, seeing how fast they grew and how big they had already became. So they both shared a crib that was big enough for both of them.

"Goodnight boys." You whispered, heading out with Zayn.

"Hopefully they can sleep well tonight, I really don't feel like getting up at 1:00 in the morning anymore." He was right. For the past few days the boys haven't been sleeping very well which ended up on restless nights where both of you got no sleep at all.

"I think tonights going to be different." You mumble as you snuggle up to his warm side. 


"Look (Y/N), she's asleep." Liam whispered, picking her up slowly so he didn't wake up the sleeping baby. You both then walked down to her room, where you placed her in her crib, making sure to turn on the monitor when you both left.

"That never happens." You giggle to yourself. "She's always awake before she goes to bed." You smile, feeling Liam's arms wrap around your shoulder as you both head back into the lounge room.

Once you sat down on the couch, you heard Misteria crying from upstairs.

"But it never lasts. I'm going to bring her back down." Liam chuckled, soon coming back down with a wide awake Misty in his arms.


"Shh." Niall whispered, putting on Ava's mobile as she lay in her cot. "I love you." He kept whispering to his little girl, hoping she had a great night sleep and that he can't wait to see her tomorrow.

"Niall, she's been asleep for 20 minutes now, come to bed." You mumble, pulling Niall by his arms out of her room and back into your bedroom. "I want cuddles to you know." You mumble, making him laugh and kiss your forehead. 

"You will get more cuddles." He yawned, laying down with you ready to sleep until he heard Ava's crys from the room. "But I guess she doesn't like the idea."


Sorry if these are so short, but I am CERTAIN that the next chapter will be EXTRA LONG because it's a special bonus I wanted to add in for you guys and you have been requesting it a bit as well so I have put all the leads to it and it's all in the next chapter. The only thing is that it will be posted in 3 days because it's so darn long, so yah.

Make sure to follow me on Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr. 

Instagram - hanisaluc01 (The name will be different - Hannah Lucas)

Twitter - @hanisaluc01

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Jezabel01 Xx

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