21. Crawling

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"Come on Squirt." Harry whispered to himself as he crouches down on the ground, arms outstretched to his son as he encourages him to walk over. "Come here." He smiled.

"Crawl to Daddy." You cooed.

It was no use, Aiden wouldn't crawl at all. You both have been trying for hours now and nothing seemed to work. Harry soon came back into the room with Aiden's little bear that he absolutely loves to death. Once Aiden saw it he clenched his fist as he wanted it in his hand.

"No, come get it." Harry laughed. Aiden then put both hands forward and hauled himself with his legs. Your eyes widened and you and Harry both urged him on until he reached his toy.


Emma was crawling away along the floor of her bedroom, going from one end to the room to the other and she giggled her whole way through.

You and Louis stood at her door, just watching at how much she's grown since she was born. You laugh when she stops in front of a toy that had been laying on the floor, just staring at it and then looking up at you, expecting you to move it for her.

"Here you go Em." You smile, moving the toy out of her way and seeing her go back to crawling.


Ethan and Eli were having a small race on the ground, trying to crawl to you and Zayn as fast as they could.

While you were cheering Ethan on, Eli stumbled and landed on his stomach. If that was Ethan, he would of cried from just a tiny fall, but Elijah just stumbled back up and continued. It was like he didn't care if he fell and hurt himself. Something was up with Eli, you just didn't know what.

Ethan ended up getting to you first and Eli was still crawling. They were both growing up so fast.


"Good morning." You smile, pecking Liam on the lips as you walk down stairs and see him eating. "Where's Misty?" You asked, Liam pointing to the lounge room.

You smile and walk into the living room, seeing all her toys sprawled out on the carpet, even though you cleaned up yestereday. You eyes widened in shock when you saw a small figure crawling in circles on the carpet. 

You ran in the kitchen, getting your phone that was on charge. Liam looked at you confused yet alarmed as to why you were frantic.

"She's crawling." And soon Liam was following right behind you.


"Ava?" Niall called, walking around the house to no sign of his little girl. "There you are, I've been looking everywhere for y-how'd you get in here?" Niall cut himself short when he realised where she was. 

Right outside the pantry.

"Why is she in here, she doen't usually come in here." You frown.

"Didn't you put her in here?" Niall asked, looking down at Ava. "Then she must of-"

"Niall's she's crawling." Niall looked down to see no Ava in front of him, but behind him.


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