20. You're Insecure

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”Babe, let’s go, wakey wakeyyyy,” Your eyes open to your boyfriend Harry in your face.

“Hmm?” You groan.

“We’re going to my moms today. She's just moved so we'll be staying there for a few days to settle her in. I'll get Aiden and you can get ready” You get up slowly, nodding as you see how ready Harry already is.

“Um, let me go do something real fast,” You say running to the bathroom.

You look at your face in the mirror, disgusted with what you see. You have acne, and you never had it before your pregnancy so you just though that it was something to do with it, but you never leave the house without foundation and powder. You start to put some of your makeup on when Harry speaks behind you,

“Babe? Why are you putting makeup on? It’s just my Mum, she's seen you with makeup on before.”

You sigh, “I know, I just don’t want her to look at this shit on my face. God it's that bad that my make up can't even hide it” You didn’t realize what you said until you actually said it. Harry takes the makeup from you and throws it on the ground. “Harry!” You yell. Before going off on him, he cut you off by kissing you.

“Please don’t say that again. Don’t ever try to change the way you look. You’re perfect just the way you are, and I’ve never seen anybody so beautiful. I love you being you, not trying to cover up this gorgeous face with stupid makeup.”


”Here babe, try this one on?” Louis said, handing you a beautiful dress. He wanted to buy you a new dress and take you out on a fancy dinner with the others.

You went to go try it on, and you thought you didn’t do any justice to it. To be blunt, you don’t really have a figure anymore. You’re now...bigger than you were before, and it’s always been one of your major insecurities since you had Emma.

“(Y\N), did you put it on?” Louis asked from outside the fitting room.

“Yeah…” you reply, questioning if you should show him.

“Well, come out here, cupcake!” He said enthusiastically, a new nickname he just came up with.

You gulp, and slowly walk out the small room. His eyes nearly pop when he see’s you, but soon notices you look uncomfortable.

“Are you okay, babe?” he says, walking up to you.

“I look so,” you sigh, “weird. My legs look so small and stubby. And my arms are all flabby, it's ugly.”

Louis took a few steps back and looked up and down you body before scoffing, “Babe, I don’t mean to be an objectifying husband, but your legs look damn sexy.” You smirked, being a directioner, you’ve heard that before in a video. “On a serious note,” He grabbed you and kissed you, “You look amazing. You’re beautiful, and I don’t want you to think otherwise.”


You and Zayn were at home, watching Transformers. You sigh as you watch the T.V, all you can think is how pretty Megan Fox is.

“I want to be that pretty.” You say, look down at your self, completely oblivious to the fact that Zayn can hear you.

“Why?” He asks.

“She’s so beautiful, it’s unfair. I want to look like that now that I had the twins ”

“Babe,” He muted the T.V. so your attention was on him, “She’s an actress. It’s all fake beauty. All make-up and products. You, though. Your beautiful whether you try to be or not. Don’t ever try to be like her or anybody like that, you’re gorgeous.” Just then the boys who were sitting with you both on the lounge starting smiling, which was rare for Eli to do.


”Let’s go swimming!” Liam yelled.

You two were on the couch trying to figure out what to do as a family.

“My ugly stretch marks will show because of how fat I am.” You mumble to yourself. You didn’t realize that Liam heard you.

“What?” He asks.

“Oh, nothing,” You reply. You don’t like to talk about your insecurities, so you lie to Liam.

“(Y/N), I know what you said,” He lifted you up onto his lap and comfortingly caressed your leg, “Don’t worry about you're stretch marks, it shows you had a baby and don't you dare call yourself fat again.”


”Princess, are you okay?” He asks at the table. He noticed you had barely eaten.

Some “fans” have been calling you fat after you had Ava, and you’ve become very insecure because of it. You’ve decided only to eat once a day to try and get slimmer.

“I’m just not hungry, that’s all,” you lie to Niall.

“Babe,” He sighed, “it’s not just today. You just don’t eat much anymore, and I’m worried.”

You broke down into tears and Niall immediately got up to your side of the table and sat you on his lap.

“They call me fat all the time. And it's the weight I gained while I was pregnant with Ava, and I can't burn it off." You sob.

Niall kissed you before you can continue. “Princess, you’re the most beautiful girl to walk this planet. Don’t listen to those people, they’re just jealous that they don’t look like you, even if you had a baby."


This isn't my preference so all credit goes to whoever wrote it, but I did change it so it was referring to the afterf pregnancy body. I had no idea's of how to write this and I didn't want to use the same thing like fatness and stretch marks. 

Please no hate for what I have change if it offends you.

Jezabel01 Xx

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