11. At Home

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"Hey love." Harry smiled, pecking your lips. "How is my little man going?" He asked.

"He's tired from all the attention from the fans today." You cooed, running your thumb across his cheek. "Can you take care of him while I have a quick shower?" You ask, handing Aiden over to him. 

"Anything for you." Harry whispered, kissing your cheek. You blushed and walked into your shared bedroom, taking out your PJ's and having a shower. After washing your hair right through, blow drying it and brushing it out, you were ready to go see your boys downstairs and cuddle up.

"I'm ready to cud-" You stop mid sentence when you see Harry laying on the couch with Aiden laying on his stomach on Harry's chest, his arms wrapped securly over Den's back. "I'll make dinner." You whispered to yourself, pulling a blanket over them both and walking out of the lounge room.


You were in the kitchen, making Louis and you something to eat while he and Em were in your shared bedroom. Once you had finished and put the food on the plates, you made your way upstairs, opening the door slowly just in case you interuppted something.

"Your beautiful, just like you Mummy." Was all you heard for you to stop opening the door, hoping Louis didn't hear anything. "You have her nose, her smile." He continued. "But I know your gonna be a troublemaker." He chuckled to himself, making you smile and open the door, making Louis' head snap up with the smile still on his face. 

"Here, I made you something." You handed him his plate and sat down next to him, Emma in the middle of you both, squished in between pillows so she wouldn't roll over and hurt herself.


"Can you pass the powder over Z?" You asked, holding Ethan by the ankles as you changed his diaper for the 10th time today. They just didn't know when to stop. It's like a routine for these boys that they eat, sleep, cry and poop all day long...and that's including Zayn.

"Yep, pass over a spare diaper as well." Zayn handed you the bottle of powder as you handed him anoter diaper. It's parents on the go today.

Zayn hasn't been affected once by changing the boys diapers. Not once has he ran out of the room or even said 'NO' to changing his own boys nappies. You could say he was a proud Dad.

When the boys were all clean and un-stinky, you headed down into the living room, putting them in your laps as you all watching T.V.


"I'm just going to put Misteria on her mat." You say to Liam as you walk into the living room and place her down on the little gymset mat that had the theme of a jungle around her. Your Mum had gotten it for you when you were born, and it was still in good shape for little Misty.

"She loves it! Look at her." Liam laughed, watching as she played with the frog hanging from the string in front of her. You giggled and gently rubbed her tummy, leaving her with Liam as youo went to get a drink. When you get back, Liam was sitting on the ground with Misteria in his arms cooing down at her.

"You just don't know how to leave her alone, do you?" You laugh.


Everyday at home, Niall was teaching Ave something new. Either it be what to do and what not to do, or what things are. It didn't matter that she wouldn't remember things at this time, it just gave him a bit of relief knowing that she would be okay when she was older. 

"Niall, I know you want to teach her stuff straight away and all, but just let her have one day where she doesn't need to attened Horan School." You smiled, wrapping your arms around his waist. 

"Fine, but one day." He pointed one finger up firmly.

"3 days." You pointed up three, making him sigh and nod. "I love you." You whisper onto his back. You knew he was smiling. "Now lets go get something to eat, I'm starving. And Niall, don't even think about teaching her what kind of chicken they cooked."


DOUBLE UPDATE! Let's see if we can do triples...

I'm soooo in the mood to update today! Some people have been asking for my Tumblr as well, so I will see if I can add the link in the comments below...and if you could FOLLOW me that would be amazing!

Jezabel01 Xx

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