15. Stressed/Exhausted Nights

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The baby monitor screamed through out yours and Harry's bedroom asa Aiden was awake. You whimpered in tiredness, looking over to Harry who was fast asleep and didn't look like he was getting up anytime soon.

You padded down the hallway to your sons room, taking him out of his crib and cradling him in your arms as you walk around the room.

"Please go to sleep." You quietly whine, sniffing as you did so. "Please Aiden...not tonight." You cry.

"Hear baby, give him to me." You hear Harry groggily say.

"No, no I got him." You whisper, moving away.

"(Y/N) give him to me and get some rest." You slowly handed him Aiden, feeling his lips meet your temple before you leave your room for some good rest.


"Emma's not going to sleep babe." Louis whispered, hearing you walk into her room as he held her in his arms. He looked up at you and you saw just how tired he really was.

"Lou, you've just got home from work...get some sleep." You push back his hair so it was no longer in his face.

"But what about her." He mumbled.

"I'll take her, make sure you turn off the monitor though love." You give him a small smileand watch him leave the room. "You have to be easier on Daddy Emmy." You giggle. "You're lucky he loves you so much." You peck her forehead as she finally drifts off to sleep.

You make your way back down to your bedroom, seeing Louis laying on his stomach as he was fast asleep. You smile as you make your way towards him, laying on your side of the bed as you rub his shirtless back.

"I love you." He mumbles, reaching over and pulling you to his chest. 


"Zayn I can't do this no more. I'm getting no sleep at all and I just need a break." You say walking out of the twins room as they continued to cry and scream in want of attention.

"Boo, listen to me." Zayn caught up with you in the kitchen as you took Advil to relieve the headache. "I'll get Mum or something to come down, maybe even the girls...you know how much they love to spend time with the twins. How about we take a small holiday for a bit? Yeah?" Zayn suggested, hugging you from behind. 

"No holiday, I just need some help Z." He nodded.

"You go take a bath and I'll get Mum to take the twins for a bit...she'll be more than happy to take them for a few days." 


"It's so stressing LiLi." You whisper, leaning on his chest as you both take a bath together. 

"I know love." After he said that, Misteria's faint cries came from her room. You sighed leaning to get up but only to be dragged down by Liam."Sit down babe, I got her...you just lay here and relax." He smiled, getting out, drying himself and tending to Misteria.

After 20 minutes, you finally got out since your skin was getting wrinkly. You changed into your PJ's and walked out to see Liam already laying on the bed waiting for you.

"I wanted to give you some alone time." He whispered, bringing you into his chest as both of you soon fell asleep to complete silence.


"Petal calm down." Niall whispered, sitting in the lounge room. "I've just changed your diaper and your not hungry, what do you want." Niall grunted.

"Nialler? What's wrong with her?" You ask, quickly walking over to him as you saw how stressed and exhausted he looked. "Babe, go back upstairs and sleep, you've got work tomorrow." You urged him up the stairs as you took little Ava, who was still crying, into your arms.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to get to tired?"

"Niall, shut up and go upstairs." You giggle, him sending you a small but tired smile as he trodded upstairs to sleep.

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