18. Photoshoot

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Aiden was just quite the whole way through the photoshoot. He gave a small smile in a couple of photo's but that was it. He doesn't like the camera's, just like his father. Since he has his social disorder, you like it but then you hate it. Liking it because he doesn't give you as much trouble but the you hate it knowing your son is going to have a hard time communitcating in the future.


Emma was just giggly. As soon as she started smiling...she never stopped. From when she woke up till she went to bed. You were never like that so you just tease Louis because he hates knowing he was like that. She loved the cameras and her toothless smile was just the beginning for it all.


Well Ethan was happy go lucky the whole way through the shoot, but then you see Eli who just looked like he was going to die of bordem...and that was on a baby's face! The twins we're nothing alike. Ethan was more the happy bunch and Elijah is more quiet and independent. And you feared it would get worse.


Misteria loved and hated the camera in her face. Now that she has started grabbing things with he hands, she always pushes the camera away when it's right near her. It's like you when you have no make up on and Liam's just starts randomly taking videos or photos of you, or you just simply don't want the lens on you. She's just like you, but cuddly like her father.


Ava doesn't care about the lens on her. She basically used to it since you and Niall are always taking photos of her so it doesn't send a bad vice to her, which relieved you since she wouldn't be too traumatized when she was out in public when she is older. She just gives a simple smile and leave it at that.


So this book it almost finished :( 

I'm happy and sad because it's another book closer to the other series of this but sad since I had so much fun writing it. I've counted and there is about 6 chapters left till I complete it. And I'm only counting since it's so agonising.

I would love for you guys to look at these blogs;

Jezabel01 Xx

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