24. A Year Gone By

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After a year gone by, Aiden's showing his more energetic side since he started moving around on his hands and knees. Playing with things more now that he's gotten used to them and you can tell he'll be a Daddy's boy for sure. You and Harry can't see much from him now, but you both know he'll be a hand full for sure!


Emma won't stop. She's so loud and playful it's hard to put her to bed sometimes. Heck, your even worried that at her age, she's so hyperactive! But you know that she'll develop into a girl who won't care about what the world thinks of her. She won't care if she gets in trouble since she's almost turning 1. She's just that carefree.


Since Ethan is the oldest out of the 2, he sure doesn't act like it. He'll always be the first one you see smile when you wake up to get them. He'll be the first one to giggle in the day and you know he's Zayn's son. Zayn was always like that.

Elijah is more like you. Quiet and hates being around loud and annoying people. but you know, since you went through what you think he;s going through, he'll come out of his shell and be as happy go luck ylike his brother. But doubts are rising.


Misteria is sort of...weird. But you and Liam know for sure she'll be gorgeous and smart, just like her Dad. You don't know how much she acts around people. And Liam's biggest fear is that she'll turn out to be addicted to make up and too much girly shit. His word though.


Ava is super quiet. Being almost 1 Niall thought she would start going hyper on him, which is what he was hoping for since he then had a partner in crim ein the near future. Ava no longer cries in the middle of the night which was a blessing to you and Niall meaning it meant no more 3 am mornings anymore.


So this is the chapter to this series and I swear I didn't mean to finish it all today! I just got addicted to writing it and time flew by fast and before I know it I'm on this last chapter and...UGH! Also this gives alittle inside detail of what their personalities will look like, but they will change!

But I'm SUPER EXCITED because I can then go on with the Toddler Series! 

I want to thank all the readers, voters and commentors who helped me with this series and just remember./..it's one step closer to the next series.

Jezabel01 Xx

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