4. Meeting Your Family

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You and Harry where sitting in the hospital room, the same room you have been in for the past week. It's around 11:30 and you're both waiting for you parents to come over for lunch, which will probably just take out.

"They should be here so-" Just as Harry was about to finish his sentence the door swung open and there stood your mother with a huge smile on her face. "Soon." Harry chuckled, walking over to say hello to your Dad as your Mum rushed over to you and brought you in for a tight hug.

"How are you? Where's my Grandson? What's his name?" You Mum planted all these questions on you that you didn't have time to answer.

"(Y/M/N), calm down." You Dad laughed and leaned down to hug you while you still lay on the bed.

"I'm great and Harry's over there with Aiden." You pointed to Harry as he stood at the foot of the hospital bed with your sleeping son in his arms. 

"Mr and Mrs (Y/L/N), meet Aiden Robin Styles." He smiled and handed Aiden over to your now crying mother. 

"He's so quiet." You Dad frowned and looked between you and Harry.

"The doctor said he has a bit of Social Anxiety, but it might wear off when he gets older." You say, your Dad nodding and trailing his fingers over his Grandsons head.


"Meet blue eyes!" Louis chuckled and held up a wide awake Em. 

"She's beautiful! You can already see that she has Lou's eyes!" You Dad laughed, handling Emma gently as he sat on the couch with your Mum on the arm rest leaning over. "Her name is-"

"Emma." You butt in. "Emma Jay Tomlinson." Your smile grew bigger as you said your daughters name. 

"Gorgeous." You Mum whispered, playing with Em's tiny hands and feet. "When will you be able to take her home?" You Mum asked, looking up at both of you. You and Louis looked at each other.

"Well, we're hoping next week, or maybe even better...sometime this week." Louis replied, watching as your Dad handed Emma over to your Mum. "The doctor said she's perfectly healthy, if she has anything like allergies of disabilities, it should show when she's older." Louis paused everynow and then, just thinking of his baby girl having a horrible allergy affect or disability.

You reached your hand up and traveled your hand through his brown, messy hair as his whole body relaxed. He slowly gripped your hand and kissed your knuckles lightly before turning back to watch Emma and he Grandparents.


You and Zayn waited until one of the mid wives came back in for the tests on both boys, that were sleeping quietly in their cart...just like their father.

You and Zayn sat on the little couch, waiting for the doctor asyou watched the tiny T.V that they provided you while you stayed here. The door opened slowly, making yours and Zayn's head snap up.

"Well we got the tests back and looks like Elijah is asthmatic." She looked up from the piece of paper in her hands and handed it to Zayn as he took it in his hands and read it. Ethan had been completely healthy, but Eli had really bad asthma from what the paper said. "Attacks can happen anytime. When he turns around 2, we'll give you a perscripted puffer but in the mean time when you see his face go read and constant crying, bring him to the hospital." She said, walking back out. "Oh!" She laughed. You looked up and saw your Aunt and Uncle at the door.

"You're here!" You squeal and quickly walk towards your Aunty, followed by your Uncle as he shook hands with Zayn. "I didn't know you were coming?" You frowned and laughed lightly, sitting with your Aunt on the little couch you and Zayn were sitting on before.

"We wanted to surprise you." She smiled. "We also wanted to see your boys, don't we." She looked up at your uncle who already had one of the twins in his arms. "Can I hold one?" She asked.

"Of course." You giggle, watching as she got up and picked up Eli. You could see him coughing lightly, knowing it was just a bit of asthma already forming.

"He's coughing?" Your Uncle frowned.

"Yep, he's got asthma." Zayn said, you could tell he wasn't happy with what his son had got. "He'll be couging everynow and then." He forced a smile on his face, you knowing it was fake.



"No Liam! Mum and Dad don't want anything to do with Misteria or us anymore!" You sniffed. This was your first arguement with Liam after you had your baby. "My sister is the only one who cares and she's told me everything that they've said about us." You paced slowly around the room.

"I know, but don't you think they were just panicing and worried? Did you think that?" Just after Liam said that, the door opened and in stepped your sister.

"Mum and Dad want to see you." She puffed out, like she was running.

"Oh great." You mumble, laying back on the bed. "I bet they're here to criticize about Misteria." Once again the door opened and your Mum frantically looked around the room until her eyes landed on you laying on the bed.

"Are you okay?" She asked. You nodded and looked at Liam, signaling him to get Misty.

"I'm fine...what are you doing here?" You asked.

"Come to see our Granddaughter of course." She smiled. You wanted to say something real harsh, but seeing how Liam looked at you, you knew you shouldn't say anything and just be happy that your Mum and Dad finally accepted you back into the family again.


"Can I please see my daughter?" You heard a familiar voice.

You sat on the bed with the food Niall had brought for you, then hearing a knock on the door and Niall was quick to answer it. You knew it was your Dad.

"Let him in Ni." You laugh. You watched as Niall hesitantly opened the door for him and in walked your Dad that wouldn't allow you to get pregnant.

He stood awkwardly at the foot of your bed, his hands by his sides as he didn't know what to say. He knew he casted you out and same with Niall and Ava.

"I saw the pictures already on the internet...she's beautiful." He mumbled, just loud enough for you to hear. You nodded and placed what you were eating down, looking straight up at him.

"If you want Ava to be your Grandchild, you can't cast her out...not even me or Niall." You firmly stated. Your Dad's head nodding quickly as Niall got up to get Ava, gently handing her to him.

You watched as your Dad's eyes sparkled, which you haven't seen for years. He gently traced over her hands and forehead as he studied his granddaughters features. He slowly sat on the couch that was placed in the room and sighed.


Hey Guys!

Sorry I haven't been updating at all for soooooo long!

I have just started highschool and all my injuries are healing real quick and I have all this homework to do!

What I really want to tell you though is that I have just got an invitation to compete against a whole heap of other amazing writers with one of the books I want to write. Money is the prize and it may not seem like such a thing, but to me it is since I was highly recommended and offered the chance.

Jezabel01 Xx

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