7. Going Home

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"Time to go home squirt." Harry smiled as he picked up Aiden and the bag that was fully packed with yours and Aiden's things on his shoulder. 

"I can carry that Harry." You said, reaching out for the bag, which was soon to be pulled away from your reach. 

"No, you aren't carrying anything." He pecked your forehead, grabbed your hand with his free one and walked with you to the car. When you got to the car, with Aiden in his car seat behind you, you set off for home. "Don't forget to move his crib into our room." You reminded Harry, since you both agreed on him staying in your room for the time being. 

"I will." He grinned and grabbed your hand. "I can't believe this is happening. We're taking him home finally." He sighed.

As soon as you drive into your driveway, Harry is already out of the car and over to your side to open the door. You hop out, smiling when you come in view of your house that you haven't seen in a week.

"I want you to take him in first." Harry said, opening Aiden's door.

"No, you can take hi-"

"I held him first, I want you to take him in the house first." Harry firmly stated, cupping your cheeks. You nodded and went to open Aiden's door.


"You got her babe?" You asked Louis as he carried the basket that held Emma.

"I've got her." He nodded and gently closed the door shut so it wouldn't wake her up.

Louis had all the bags on his shoulders, leaving the gifts for Em in the back of the car for him to come back to later. You unlocked the door, slowly opening it and stepping inside, holding the door open for Lou.

"Welcome home Bub." Louis whispered, handing her over to you as he went upstairs to put your things away. 

You walked into the lounge room, cradling the small baby between your arms as you sat on the couch with your legs underneath you. Everything was so quiet, but you knew it wouldn't stay like that for long over the next few days. 

"We've waited so long for you." You smiled, rubbing her tiny cheek with the pad of you thumb. "Everyone is going to love you." You were soon joined by Louis as he sat right next to you with his arm over your shoulder, staring down at his little girl like he always dreamed of doing.


"Okay, so I've got the bags you two have the boys and I have the keys." Trisha checked off everything that she had in her hands, making sure she didn't leave anything behind.

Today was the day that you were finally able to take the twins home, asking Trisha for some help was great seeing as you couldn't hold anything else with a squirming boy in your arms.

"We have everything Mum." Zayn groaned, wanting to get home as soon as possible to spend the day with his boys. "Can we go now?" He asked, motioning to the door.

"Dear lord Zayn, wait." She scolded him. 

After 10 more minutes of signing papers and saying goodbye to people you have be-friended over the past week, you were finally in the car and off for home with the boys strapped into their seats and sleeping away just like their father who was sitting inbetween their seats. You turned around to face the front again as Trisha continued to drive.

"He adores them so much." You sighed, brushing hair out of your face. "I just hop they don't copy everything he does." You mumble, knowing Trish can hear you.

"I'm pretty sure they wouldn't smoke like him, plus you have heaps of years ahead of you before that would happen anyway." She reassured you.

"I know." Was all you said before seeing your house come into view. "I'm so excited." You giggled, hopping out once you arrived and letting Trish wake up Zayn with a slapp on the head.


You and Liam were upstairs in Misteria's bedroom, placing her in her new cot. She was already fast asleep as soon as you left the hospital this afternoon till now and she still hadn't waken up.

"I've been waiting 10 months to see our baby finally sleeping in her own room." Liam smiled, still looking over the edge of the crib to look at her.

"I know LiLi, I know." You wrapped your arms around his waist, placing your head on his back as you heard his heart beating and him breathing heavily. "But look at her now, she's everything we imagined and we finally got her." You smiled. "And just when we were about to give up." You whispered, making Liam turn around to face you.

"I know, and I'm glad we didn't."


"Look at you Petal." Niall cooed as he picked up the freshly bathed and dress Ava, cradling her in his arms as we walked over to where you were packing up the last of your stuff to take home. Greg and Denise had already taken the things you didn't need back home, already packed away which you were grateful for.

"She's ready to go home." You smiled, playing with your daughters tiny feet as she kicked them around a bit. "Swap with me." You put the bag on Niall's shoulder and took Ave away from his arms and into yours, leaving a peck on Niallers cheek, making him smile larger.

"Let's go home." 

It took you 30 minutes to get home. Niall went so slow because he was afraid he would hurt Ava. You knew Ava was precious to him and you knew he didn't want to get in an accident, but you can't help but think that he never did that with you...going slow in the car while your in it.

"Niall, next time go faster." You groaned, hopping out and getting Ava out while niall grabbed the bag again.

"I'm sorry, I keep thinking I'm going to hurt her." He mumbled. When you turned around, Niall was just standing in the doorway with his head looking at the floor like he always does when he's upset.

"Ni, don't worry about. Now come and give me and Ava some cuddles." You smiled, reaching your hand out for his.


Finally updated!

I'm sorry if Liam's was too short, but I had already planned what I would write for the other boys and that's all I had for Liam's.

I'm trying to update as much as I can, but Mum keeps stealing the computer away from me so i can't really do much about that. 

Anyway, comment and vote!

Jezabel01 Xx

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