19. Dates

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"Harry he is going to be fine for a few hours." You giggle, pulling on Harry's arm as he doesn't give Aiden to the babysitter. 

"But I don't want to leave him alone, what if-"

"Don't you dare start with the what if's." You firmly state, pointing your index finger at him. He shrugs and follows you out the door, quickly taking you hand in his. "We're only going to the movies and dinner, it won't take a full bloody day." You laugh.

"It doens't hurt to love my boy." 


"Now, knowing you already Emmy you're going to cause trouble." You sigh, putting fresh clothes on her as you waited for the babysitter to come and stay for a few while you and Louis go out.

"I'm sure she'll be fine love."

"Oh, I don't think so. Remember last time we tried going out together and the last babysitter." You raise an eyebrow at him as you turn to face him with Emma in your hands, a big grin on her face.

"She's too cute for that." You raise your then put your weight on your hip. "Okay, maybe she can be a little much to handle, buuuut it runs in the family." Louis said copying you posture but with more feminine in it.


"Zayn why do you have a baby monitor on the dashboard?" You look at him as you both get in the front seats of the car.

"What if something bad happens while we're not there and the babysitter doesn't tell us." He looks at you worried. "You never know." He shrugged, pulling out of the driveway.

"Great, now that you've said something I'm getting paranoid about my boys." You mumble, watching the trees and houses go past. "Can we just get take out and go home?" You ask, Zayn already nodding. 

"You read my mind."


"LiLi, that's the 10th time you've called ti check up on Misteria." You sigh.

"I just want to make sure she's safe."

"Well can you stop worrying and focus on this date at this." You shake your head, taking your hand out of his. 

You knew he was worried, seeing this was his first time he would be away from his little girl for a couple of hours, but you felt left out since he spent so much damn time with her. Even though they are father and daughter by blood you still missed quality time with Liam.

"You're right, I'm sorry...see my phone's away and I'm not taking it out until tomorrow." He reassured, slipping his hand back with yours and pecking your cheek.


"What if the babysitter touches my secret stash of food?" Niall asks, concern worried in his voice.

"You're more worried about your food than you're daughter?" You ask, feeling the need to laugh at Niall's worried look.

"Yeah, I'm worried about Ave, but sometimes I swear whenever the babysitter comes over she sneaks into the cupboard." He shakes his head and silence soon enters that car, until your eyes widen and your head snaps to him.

"What secret stash of food!?"


So now it is down to 5 chapters till this book is finished!

Jezabel01 Xx

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