9. First Time Outside

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"Do you think he's warm enough?" Harry asked, motioning you over to where he was changing Aiden. 

"Harry, don't you think he'll be sweating in all that?" You giggle, pointing to the jackets, pants and beanies he had on his son. "Just put him in a onesie with the jacket my Mum brought him." You said, undoing the buttons on the poor child. "He's only a week old Harry, he won't be able to fit in that stuff yet until he's atleast a year old."

"I'm afraid he'll get to cold." He mumbled, watching you doing the buttons on the onesie he gave you. 

"I know Harry, now lets go." You smile.

Harry picks up Aiden, holding him with one arm as he grabs your hand with his free hand, making you smile wider than before. When you opened the door, the cold breeze hit your face as you walked down the street to the little market that was going on down your street, knowing it wouldn't be to crowded for little Aiden and not so much of screaming fans.


"Surprisingly, it's pretty calm today." You smile as you look around the street you were walking along to get to the shops. 

"Yeah, it's pretty nice isn't it. No screaming fans and no caos." Louis smiled, grabbing your hand. "Emmy is enjoying it too." He chuckled, both of you look at the sleeping Emma who was cozily snuggled into Louis' arm as both of you walked.

"She does. But I think she'll be sleeping twice as much as her father." You giggled, walking past a tiny shop that was selling stuffed animals. "Oh my god Lou, that is adorable." You whisper, pointing to a pink little teddy bear that had a worn out bow that was tied around it's neck. "We're getting it." You demand, dragging Louis into the shop.

"Don't you think you have enough stuffed toys (Y/N)?" Louis playfully groaned. 

"It's not for me silly, it's for Emma." You smile, paying for the bear and walking out with the bag.


You and Zayn were walking about the park, like you usually did when you had nothing to do. The twins were fast asleep in the double stroller, wrapped up in their blankets with tiny beanies on their heads. 

"They look so adorable." You whisper, clinging onto Zayn's arm as he pushed the pram. The chilly air was enough to make your hair fizzy underneath your own beanie and grow goosebumps over your skin, even though it was covered with jackets, shirts, gloves, scarves and jeans. 

"I'm surprised they haven't woken up yet from all the noise around them." Zayn sighed, parking up next to a bench and sitting down. "We should head home soon, it's starting to get a bit to cold." He muttered, bringing you closer to him.

"We might have to crank up the heater tonight then." You laugh.


"Are you ready Liam?" You call from downstairs. Maybe leaving Liam up to getting Misteria dressed wasn't such a good ide- "Oh my god Liam." You laugh, shaking your head as you saw how bright she looked. Poor thing.

"What?" Liam asked, confused. 

"I don't think fluro yellow is going to be her favourite colour LiLi." You take Misty from his arms and change her into a simple white and blue onesie and a jacket, then wrapping her in the blanket your brought her home in from the hospital.

"Are we ready now?" Liam asked, grabbing the baby bag and holding the door open for you as you carried Misteria to the car. "Make sure she's strapped in properly babe." Liam warned.

"Liam, did she fall out of her seat when we drove her home? I didn't think so, I'm pretty sure I know how to do the buckles up and not get then twisted and wrong." You snap playfully at him.

"That was only one time." He muttered.


"And then you have birds that flutter around the sky." 

"Niall, she's 2 weeks old. I don't think she is going to remember this when she's 2 years old." You raise and eyebrow as you keep walking through the park, you pushing the pram.

"But I want my little petal to be smart as can be." Niall shrugged. 

You, Niall and Ava where walking through the park. The weather was chilly, but not enough so that you had to pile on heaps of clothing to keep warm. A few fans bumped into you here and there, only to leave you both along seeing a tired Ava. 

"She still has a few years to learn things Ni, don't worry." You kiss his cheek.


Sorry I haven't posted in a loooonnnngggg time! I'm also sorry if this isn't such a good chapter. I would love your feedback on this chapter. I'm also thinking of making a few 5SOS fanfic books, and I wanted to know if you would like me to do some. I have already gotten one in mind!

Jezabel01 Xx


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