16. First Smile

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"Hello Squirt." Harry chuckled picking him up so he was face to face with him. "How are you doing today." 

You were in the kitchen making you two favourite boys something to eat, while Harry got Aiden ready for a day out.

"(Y/N) come here quick!" You heard Harry call from upstairs. When you finally got into the room you saw Aiden with a huge smile on his face as he clapped his hands, now being a month old he suddenly realised what he could do with his hands.

"Is he smiling!?" You squeal, quickly walking over to your

husband and son. "He's so adorable!"

"He takes after his mother." Harry smirked, making you blush.


"Annnnd peek-a-boo." Louis smiled, making your daughter once again smile for her Daddy.

You, Louis and Emma were sitting at one of the park benches, looking after Louis' little twin sisters as they ran around the playground.

"Is she still smiling?" You ask. Louis nodded. "I wanna make her smile." You sat in front of Emma and did exactly what Louis did, but getting no reaction from Emma. She just had a look that basically said 'who is this idiot?'. "Wow, nice to know that she thinks her Mum is soooo funny." You sarcastically said.


"I want to see if they'll smile Zayn." You whine.

"They're a month old Boo, they won't smile until they're a bit older."

"Well to bad because Ethan just smiled." You said, making Zayn's head snap towards you.

"What? No." Zayn laughed, sitting next to you and went to work on getting Eli to smile, but without succeeding. "It's no use, you get Eli to smile and I get Ethan to smile." You nodded and swapped babies.

Elijah was hard for him to smile, he would just look away like he didn't want to. Ethan was so much easier and you heard Zayn laughing and cooing over him.

"Eli better not be like this when he's older." You mumble, looking up to see Eli with a smile on his face, showing his toothless mouth. "He's smiling!" You cheer.


"Can you smile for Daddy Misty?" Liam cooes, sitting on the floor in the lounge room as he tried to get Misteria to smile for him. 

"Li, she probably wants you to do something funny." You shrug, flipping through your magazine. "Do peek-a-boo or sing for her, heck try hurting yourself...she might laugh then." You giggle, earning a playful glare from him. 

"Be careful what you say sweetheart." He growls before turning back to Misteria. "Aha! She's smiling!" Liam cheers. "I told you she would smile." You look to see Misteria playing with her feet and smile as she heaves out a baby sound.

"She looks just like you." You smile.


"I'm just going to see if this works." Niall huffs. Running into a wall and smacking his whole body into it. "Ow." But then Ava started laughing and pointing at Niall as he lay on the floor in pain. "It worked." He coughed.

"She's got a smile with white pearly teeth just like her Daddy." You smile, pecking her forehead as she continued to point and look up at you. 

"She can laugh with when one of the boys hurts themselves." He laughed, his accent thicker than usual. 


Sorry if this is a crap chapter and that everything is so short, but I just realised that this book is almost done...literally! Just a few more chapters and it will be finished and I really am trying to make them longer.

Jezabel01 Xx

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