22. Fights

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"I want to go back to work again." You blurt out at the dinner table, Harry's head snapping up.

"Uh no." He chuckled, getting up to clear his plate.

"Uh yeah. I miss working, I want to earn money so I don't feel bad for letting you work 24/7." You argue.

"You're not working, you can work here." Harry snapped. "I won't let you work and put more stress on yourself when you have a child who will give you just as more stress then work and I don't want that for you an-" 

"Harry! I just want a part time job, that's it." You whisper loud enough so he could hear. "I don't want to let you do all the working all the time, I want to earn something too." You mumble, feeling arms wrap you into a hug.

"It better be part time though."


"We have a baby upstairs who is sleeping Louis!?" You hiss, not wanting to wake up the sleeping infant who took ages to wake up.

"Does it look like I care? Really!" He slurs. "I don't care." He laughs loudly as he slumps on the couch, still drunk from the night. And soon enough loud tiny screams come from Emma's room.

"Oh my god." You sniff, quickly going upstairs to calm down Emma. "It's okay Emma, please go back to sleep." The last time you put her sleep took literally hours to do. She just kept crying and wouldn't calm down. "You're not hungry, your clean what do you want?" You sniff. And after another hour of this she finally calmed down, leaving you tired as you walked to your room seeing a more sober Louis sitting on the bed. 

"I'm so sor-"

"You could of at least helped me." You cut him off and slipping into bed.


"Hey Zayn?"

"What do you want!?" Zayn shouts through the house, obviously annoyed for an unknown reason. "I'm sick and tired of you asking me things. Making me buy you things you don't need everyday. I'm si-" He stopped his angry rant when he saw you with a box that he knew was full of memories over the past years of your relationship. 

"I was going to see if you wanted to go through these, but I don't want to now." You mumbled, turning back around and putting the box back away in the far corner of your cupboard.

"No, no, no. I'm sorry, lets go through it." He gave you a small smile, taking the box and your hand and sitting on the couch with you on his lap.


"I don't want you going out again." You say, seeing Liam getting ready to head out.

"I'm just going out for a couple drink sweetheart, don't worry."

"Well I should worry seeing my husband come home at 3 in the morning wasted and waking up my child when I just got her to sleep." You cross your arms over your chest. "I don't want you going out again." 

"I can do what I want." Liam turned around, getting angry with you. "Why don't you go back upstairs and go to sleep, being the lazy person you are." He snapped, then realising what he said by your reaction. 

"You're right, have fun." You whispered, walking back into your room.


"Did you throw out the beer?" Niall asked, a frown taking over his face.

"Yes." You nodded looking back to the TV.

"Why the hell would you do that!" He screams, making you flinch in your seat. "I might want to drink that later."

"Well I might not want you too, I'm sick of you drinking in front of Ava all the time, and you wanted to teach her the right things!" You fire back twice as loud, which happened to be a bad idea which started to make Ava cry on the floor in front of you. You picked her up and took her into her room to put her down for a nap.


Did you guys want me to do another part for this? I have I think 2 more chapter till this book finishes! :(

Jezabel01 Xx

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