10. Meeting The Fans

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"He is sooo cute!" One of the 14 year old girls silently squealed as she watched little Aiden.

When you and Harry had gone out, a couple of fans stumbled upon you both, instantly seeing Aiden wide awake. Most of them kept well away, some came up, took photos or just wanted to interact. You and Harry didn't mind at all, at least the fandom of One Direction was getting on well with the new member.

"Can we take a photo of him?" The other girl asked. You nodded and watched as they took they're phones out and snapping away.

"Please don't tell anyone else we're here, we can't deal with screaming fans charging at us anymore." Harry pleaded, they both nodded and walked off, happy they got to see Aiden Robin Styles.


"Girls this is Emma." Louis smiled, holding up Emma into the camera view as he continued with his twitcam to his fans. Comments about how cute and pretty she was came flooding in as the show went live to everyone watching, making them all catch a glimpse at the newborn.

"Don't get her to attachted to the camera Lou." You smiled, pecking his cheek and walking into the bathroom to get any laundry.

"They love her (Y/N)! She deserves to be in the camera." He chuckled to himself when he showed you the dumbfounded look on your daughters face making you shake your head laughing.


"Everyone has to be quiet." Zayn said into the mic, making everyone in the stadium quieten down immediately. "I'll be back." He whispered, running backstage to you and the twins who were playing with their hands in the pram. "Come on stage with me." He pushed the stroller with you right beside him, letting everyone see the twins in full view.

Everyone in their seats were silent, just watching as Zayn stopped at the front of the stage, getting the mic back from Liam. 

"Are you sure about this Z, what if they scare them?" You asked, cautious about the safety of your sons. 

"It's going to be fine love, see everyone's silent ready to meet them."He smiled and grabbed your hand. "Meet Ethan and Elijah guys."


You and Liam were walking in the mall, Misteria in the baby sling that was straped to Liam's chest. They both looked adorable as you walked around the store for groceries, Liam fitting the Daddy image perrrfectly.

"It's Liam Payne." You heard a few whispers from behind you, instantly turning around and smiling to the little girls who looked around to be 7 years old. You motioned to Liam but nudging his elbow and pointing over to the little girls who were still intently staring at you. 

"Come here girls." He called over, watching as the girls came over and stood in front of both of you with books and pens. "Would you like an autograph?" He smiled, kneeling down slightly. They nodded, staring at Misty with adoring eyes.

"This the Mist?" One girls asked, pointing at you newborn.

"Yeah it is, did you want a closer look?" Liam asked, taking Misteria out of her sling and into his arms, showing the little girls.


"Please get out of our way!" Niall shouted at the paparazzi for them to get out of the way, making sure to sheild you and the screaming Ava. While you tried calming down Ava, 4 girls who looked to be 16, grabbed you arm and shoved Niall lightly for you to follow them in a little opening to get out.

"Thanks." You breathed, putting the dummy that had fallen out of Ava's mouth back in. "They are so stupid and blind." You mumble under your breath.

"Are you okay?" Niall frantically asked, hugging you and Ava. "I'm so sorry." He whispered. He then turned around to see the 4 girls standing in front of you both. "Thank you for helping us get through, couldn't they see we had Ava with us?" He shook his head and went to give each of the girls special tickets and a follow on Twitter.


So this is another update, and to be honest, I think it turned out pretty good! 

I'm really proud with how this book is turning out, I've finally reached 12k reads already and I'm so fricken estatic! I'm thankful for you guys to help me with this series I'm doing.


Jezabel01 Xx

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