17. Bottlefeeding

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"He's taking it really well." Harry smiled, moving the blanket that was wrapped around Aiden out of his face as you held him. 

"Yeah, I thought he would at least cried about it." You sigh, but then you thought back to his social disorder. Of course he didn't cry much, except when he did it was like all hell broke loose. 

"Did you some tea kitten?" Harry asked, getting up from the bed. You nodded and went back to feeding Aiden. 

Soon Harry came up to give you your drink, as you handed little Den over to him as he burped him.


"Lou, she isn't taking it." You mumbled, getting frustrated with Emma that she won't take the bottle in her mouth.

"Maybe she isn't that used to it." Louis shrugged. "Here let me have a go." You nodded and handed her over to him. "Can you please take the bottle in you mouth Emmy?" Louis asked, guiding the tip of the bottle over her little lips. "There we go." Louis cheered, showing you how Emma was drinking.

"Gosh, it's like she hates me." You mumble, rubbing you forehead with your hand.

"She doesn't hate you sweetheart." Louis reassured you.


Lets see, so Ethan has already dranken all of his milk and Eli hasn't even touched the bottle. You didn't know if you made the milk to hot or to cold, or he just wasn't hungry.

"Zayn, while I burp Ethan can you try and feed Eli." You asked. Zayn nodded switching babies and you went to burp Ethat.

"Boo, he isn't hungry then." Zayn sighed. "I'll try again." He smiled when he saw the look on your face.

"He's taking it Zayn!" You squeal, snapping Zayn out of his trance when he saw Eli taking the bottle into his tiny mouth.


"There we go." You smiled, resting on the couch as Misteria touched the bottle with her hands as she continued to drink. 

"She's drinking well." Liam smiled. 

"You're home? I didn't even hear the door open." You sigh.

"I want to feed her, you go upstairs and rest for a bit love. I'll be in there in a bit." You nodded and went to do what Liam said, instantly taking a bath. 

You then came downstairs to see Liam singing to Misty as she fell asleep.


"She's just like you." You laugh, see Niall feeding your daughter who was almost finishing her bottle.

"It's in the Horan genes." He chuckled. "She drinks pretty fast, I'll tell ya that. And she'll probably eat quicker than me." He smiled as he started to burp little Ava. 

"It run in the Horan genes, Niall, the Horan genes."


I'm so sorry that these are fricken short as hell. I didn't know what to write for all of them since it's bottlefeeding and I don't have any experience with it but I will try to make the next chapter more longer.

Jezabel01 Xx

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