6. Cheese Doodles and the Future

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    "Are we there yet?" Maya asked, watching the desert fly by her.

"Almost." Val told her, gliding with ease down the highway.

"Does it smell as bad as you?" She saw another Killjoy rush by on a black motorbike.

"You should learn how to shut your mouth every once and a while." Val grit his teeth. He wasn't the best with children.

"I'm tired." She complained, her head leaned back in boredom.

"We're literally five minutes away." He rolled his eyes.

"Five minutes is a long time." She whined. Val ignored her, just wishing he could be back out on patrol.

Finally, after an agonizingly long five minutes, he pulled into the nest. Maya hopped off the bike, eager to explore this brand new place. Tons of strangers were out and about, walking to and from different houses and cars. They all looked very colourful and loud. Maya liked it.

"It's really noisy." She commented, waiting for Val to show her where to next.

"What do you mean? It's pretty damn quiet." He arched his eyebrow.

"I mean the voices. They're everywhere." Maya's eyes examined her surroundings carefully.

"Oh right, the whole 'psychic' thing." Val took the keys out of his bike, placing them carefully in his pocket.

"They seem really stressed out. Is it because of that fight or whatever?" She tilted her head. Val nodded.

"Yeah, we're still recovering." He sighed, taking a moment to stare out at the makeshift village.

He had absolutely no idea what to do with a six year old child. Where would she go? Did he have to entertain her or something?

'Christ, it's Gear and Missile all over again.'

"For starters, I'm hungry." Maya responded to Val's internal concern. He blinked in surprise, only realizing that he couldn't keep anything secret from this kid.

"Don't worry. I won't be here long. Lola will come back." She smiled, skipping away to the rows of houses. She climbed up the stairs of Val's house.

"Wait, how did you-" Val stammered, quickly silencing himself when Maya tapped her finger against her temple. He walked up the stairs after her, scared of the things she already knew.

"Do you got any food?" She asked, wandering into the kitchen.

"Uh, not really." He admitted.

"Nothing? What do you guys eat around here?" She tilted her head, opening the fridge.

"Not a lot. Sometimes we have beans. The rest is all packaged." Val said as Maya closed the fridge door. She pulled a chair towards the wooden counter, using it to climb up to the top cupboards.

"Oi, don't go up there!" He warned, but it was too late. She swung the wooden doors open to reveal many bottles of Vodka, a couple packs of cigarettes and a porn magazine. Maya stuck her hand in the very back, pulling out a bag of Cheese Puffs.

"I was saving those! Now get out of my cupboard!" Val crossed his arms.

"Sorry, but I don't like beans." She shrugged, ripping open the bag. Maya then proceeded to plop down on Val's worn out blue couch, grabbing the remote for the TV and turning it onto it's only available channel, Battery City news.

"You don't act like a six year old." Val challenged, glaring at his violated Cheese Puffs.

"You don't act like a Killjoy leader." Maya argued.

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