16. Crashing Around

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There was a knock at the door. Val, who was previously fast asleep on the couch, shot awake. Maya was sitting at the table, playing with a lonely green marble.

"Coming." Val groggily answered, shuffling towards the door.

A woman with neat, black hair and a very expensive suit stood at the door, her hands held kindly at her thighs.

"Hello, Mr. Velocity? Could I have a word?"

Val scratched the top of his head, still very much asleep in his mind.

"What's this about?" He asked.

"Who is it?" Maya peeped from behind Val before letting out a high-pitched scream.

"You!" She pointed at the woman, fear flooding her wide eyes. Val instinctively picked Maya up, holding her close.

"Who are you?" He asked, taking a few steps back.

"I see that you've been caring for one of our children." The woman smiled, stepping towards a now hysterically crying Maya.

"I think that it would be best if you left." Val warned as Maya clung to his white jacket.

Three Scarecrows and two Dracs barged into the house.

"You know how to handle this." The woman took a step back. One of the Dracs grabbed at Maya, pulling her off of a very defenseless Val. The other Drac grabbed onto Val, dragging him outside. Maya was flailing her arms, kicking and screaming. This awoke many of the rebels, who immediately ran outside.

"Let go of her!" Val yelled as the two were dragged towards a white B.L.I car. Missle Kid, accompanied by Mad Gear, broke into a sprint towards them, but Missile froze. She recognized that woman.

"You bitch!" She screeched, angrier than before.

Ms. Management turned around, flashing the girl a quick smile before stepping into the car. The Drac tossed Maya into the back of the car before turning to Val. Gear was convinced that he was about to get shot.

"What the fuck is going on?" Val was frantic. Nobody was capable of doing anything. Instead of killing him, the Scarecrow took the back of his gun and hit Val square in the forehead, knocking him out. They tossed his limp body into the car, and drove off.

The few who witnessed the whole event were horrified.

They had now lost their third leader.


When Val woke up, it was too bright. Brighter than the desert sun. He attempted to shield his eyes from the light, only to find his hands clamped to some sort of upright table.

"Val?" A tiny, quivering voice asked. Val squinted before making out another identical table standing across from him. Maya, who seemed like a tiny mouse in comparison, was wide awake. Val immediately came back to his senses, and remembered exactly what happened.

"It's okay, I'll get us out of here." He frantically reassured the girl.

Looking around at his surroundings, he could not find any easy escape. There was a door, but there was no handle from the inside. The room appeared to be completely empty. Everything was white; the walls, the floor and the ceiling. The only other object in the deserted room were four massive speakers in each corner of the room.


Panic started to set in. What if they couldn't get out of this. They certainly wouldn't kill Maya, would they?

The metal door swung open, and a short, grubby looking man stepped inside. He didn't speak a word, instead, he shuffled over to Maya.

"Put one hand on her, and I swear to god I will have your head on a stick." Val growled, but the man didn't respond. He was holding onto a thick metal ring that he placed on top of Maya's head, fastening it to the table.

"What are you doing?" She whimpered, her eyes swimming through oncoming tears. The speakers let out a small crackle, and a voice began to speak through it.

"Good morning! I do hope you slept well, because we've got a long day ahead of us." The cheery female voice chirped.

"What's going on?" Val demanded, clenching his fists.

"Well, see, it seem's that you've created a... spark. Your followers have started to put their trust in you, and not to mention, you do have one of our children."

"She's not one of your kids, first of all, and second, what spark? I haven't done anything!" He began to plead. The voice on the other end laughed.

"Oh, Velocity, that's far from true. You are the leader of your entire operation, am I correct?" She asked sweetly.

"Yeah, but that doesn't mean I'm causing any problems for you." He retorted.

"Oh, trust me, you won't be. It's much better if we keep you here and do what needs to be done."

Maya let out a tiny squeak of pain.

"It hurts!" She began to cry out, making Val very, very afraid. The man now came over, another metal headband in his hand. He fastened it around Val's forehead. The band felt cold around his skin.

"Do you want information? I can give you information, but please don't hurt Maya." He begged, something that he wasn't used to doing. Once again, the voice laughed. A cold, empty laugh.

"Oh, I don't need anymore information. This is all for me to watch."

Val felt the metal band begin to tingle with electricity.

"Care to listen to some music?" The voice offered before a song started playing. It sounded like a song straight out of the 1920's, and he hated it.

"Got a doll baby, I love her so. Nothing else like her anywhere you go. Man she's anything but calm, a regular pint-sized atom bomb."

Maya let out a sharp scream before she started convulsing rapidly.

"No!" Val cried out, before he started to feel it himself.

It was like a million volts of lightening were coursing through his veins. He immediately let out a cry of anguish, his fingernails digging into the palms on his hands.

"Atom bomb baby little atom bomb. She knows how to turn me on. She's just the way I want her to be, a million times hotter than TNT!"

The music became so loud that Val couldn't hear himself scream, but Maya's voice pierced through all of that.

"Let her go, for fucks sake! Stop this!" He continued to scream, but it kept going.

"Atom bomb baby, loaded with power. Radioactive as a TV tower. A nuclear fission in her soul. Loves with electronic control."

There was no way that they would get out of this alive.

"Val! Please!" She sobbed, her entire body shaking, but he could do nothing. His head was numb, and everything hurt far too much.

And the music never stopped. It just kept playing. Over and over...

He felt something grab his arm.

"Hold on tight." A loud, yet tender voice advised him as he felt himself being lifted out of the chair.

Suddenly, for a split second, everything was silent. Then, he went crashing. Falling through space.


When Val woke up on the desert floor, he was greeted by a fuzzy pink monster and none other than a very exited Korse.

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