23. Back In California

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We made it out of the complex in one piece, but that wasn't the end of our problems. At the mere sight of Korse, the four Killjoys automatically took to arms

"Who brought you here? How did you find us." Party stepped towards the ex murderer, holding Val's laser gun. Korse raised his hands in the air in a form of surrender.

"I don't know how many times I can explain myself before somebody actually shoots me." He sighed, clearly tired of the constant confrontation.

"We've got all day." Ghoul clenched his fists.

"Once again," Korse began to explain, his hands moving dramatically as he retold his story.
"Yes, I killed lot of your friends...and then murdered you... but does that really make me the bad guy? Like I've said, that guy who was out and about shooting people wasn't me, that was Better Living Industries. As you can tell, I'm not doing that whole thing anymore. I really am sorry though. I know I've probably caused a lot of damage."

Jet let out a cold laugh.


Korse bowed his head, unsure of what he was supposed to do.

"I'm here to help you get home. This is when we take on BLI once and for all."

"If you pull anything sketchy, you're dead." Party warned, earning him a vigorous nod.

"Of course."

I looked over at Saida, who seemed to be standing a far distance away.

"Are you okay?" I asked, walking over to her. She shrugged, her eyes locked onto the ground.

"I feel awful. If I wasn't so quick to get angry, none of this would have happened."

"I understand why you were mad, but I just hope you know we don't want to cause any damage." I smiled. She nodded, clasping her hands together.

"I wish you all the best on your journey back to the desert."

"Speaking of, we have to get going." Val told me and the others. I hurried back to my friends.

"Thank you guys for everything." I looked over at the Detroit group.

"It's been a pleasure." Amsterdam shook my hand firmly.

"Don't get blown up too soon." Brandy teased, flashing us a smile.

"Keep an eye out for that boy in case he does something stupid." Murdock motioned to Val, who simply laughed and shook his head.

"Thank you for letting us live with you and your sister for a while." Ghoul had turned to Linnea, and was crouching down to her hight.

"It was fun." The little girl grinned, holding her sister's hand.

As if on cue, something strange appeared in front of me. A giant pink creature towered above the group, gazing down at us.

"What the heck?" I gasped. The entire group stepped back except for Val and Korse.

"No time to explain, we're leaving." Korse grabbed onto the things arm, and just like that, everyone around me was gone. I felt like I was being sucked through a tunnel that was growing smaller and smaller with every passing second. It didn't take much longer until my body collided into the rocky desert terrain.
I scrambled to my feet. Jet was right beside me, his mouth open in bewilderment.

"Fuck!" Party spat in astonishment, his hands sticking out in front of him. The pink creature was gone, and was replaced with the immense stares of shock from every single inhabitant of the Nest.

The alien had dropped us right in the centre of the neighbourhood. I looked around, making sure the entire group had made it.

"Val?" A tentative voice called from one of the porches. Vamos and Vaya stood still, and a cigarette fell from Vaya's mouth.

"But, we thought you died?"


This time it was Gear who spoke up. He came sprinting towards me, his face bright.

"I think I'm back." I pondered around, pulling my brother into a tight embrace.

"What happened to you?" He gawked at me as he stepped back. I had changed a lot, and it wasn't just my hair. My clothes were completely out of place, with my over sized navy blue cardigan and my knee-length skirt. My face had become less hollow as I had access to proper food, and my skin wasn't sunburned and brittle. The only thing that allowed me to fit in with my old friends was my busted looking nose, which was still hurting. More people had begun to gather. Smoke, Volume, Toxic, Neon and Ghost were standing off-hand, not sure what to do with everyone's recent arrival. Vamos and Vaya were beside themselves in shock. Missile was fussing over the four other killjoys, making sure they were actually there.

People had yet to even take notice of Korse, who was walking away from the crowd. Occasionally he would glance behind his shoulder before breaking into a jog. Nobody tried to stop him as he ran away.

Val was quick to break up the welcoming party, if that's what you wanted to call it. He stood in front of the crowd of now over one hundred rebels.

"Today is the day. We are going to Better Living Industries, and we are taking the city back!"

The crowd broke their stunned silent by cheering in agreement. I was surprised to not see a single sigh of protest from anyone in the crowd. Not even from my old band mates, who seemed on board with the whole operation.

"Get your guns out! We leave immediately." He ordered. The makeshift army dispersed, preparing themselves for war.

This wasn't an attack that needed a strategy. This was a full on raid, and deep down I knew that it wasn't going to go anywhere good.

Sorry for the short chapter. I'm so close to finishing this story. Aaaah!!

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