20. Two Worlds

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    The couch was clearly older than the man who owned it, and that made it very uncomfortable to sleep on. Of course, this didn't bother Val too much. He was exhausted. He was awoken to the sun falling over his face. Unsure of where he was, he stiffened up in anticipation. It was only until he saw Lola standing peacefully outside of the window, staring out at the desert, that he remembered where he was.

'Detroit, Atomic, Maya, Korse...'

He sat up, swinging his legs onto the floor. Korse was nowhere to be seen, and Val was still uncomfortable about the whole situation. This was not how he expected to meet his old enemy once again. He decided that he didn't want to be in the house any longer, and quietly snuck outside.

Korse was lying on the desert floor, his face looking towards the sky.

"Um, are you okay?" Val asked tentatively. Korse gave him a thumbs up, not bothering to move the rest of his body.

"Alright then." Val furrowed his brow, walking towards Lola.

"We leave today." The creature told him, still facing the endless desert.

"Already?" Val was a bit surprised. They had no plan as to how they were going to find them. Lola turned to face him, they're expressionless face radiation concern.

"I fear your friends are in danger."

Val's shoulders tenses up before nodding.

"Okay, we'll leave today."

Korse had gotten to his feet, motioning for Val to come into the house. The younger man looked back at Lola, who simply nodded in approval.

"Don't shoot me or anything." Val warned before following Korse inside.

"I have weapons, and I think we'll need them."
Korse explainers after leading Val down a dimly lit hallway. The bald man opened a tiny closet door, and pulled a massive dark green trunk from underneath a shelf. He dragged it out into the hallway before popping it open.

Inside was an impressive collection of guns. Some of them were just simple laser guns, but other looked like pre-war assault weapons.
Val crouched down, looking at the massive selection.


Korse stood behind him, his arms folded across his body.

"I found them when I got here. Clearly somebody left in a rush."

Val grabbed a white laser gun, sticking it in his belt holster. He then grabbed a very old looking  black handgun which looked like it belonged to a policeman back before the wars. He then picked up a pack of bullets. It had been a while since he used a gun like this.

Korse reached over, grabbing an identical hand gun.

"Ready to go?" He asked. Val nodded firmly before closing the trunk.

"Let's get the fuck out of this desert."

The two men left the house where Lola was waiting for them. Before he could give the wasteland one last look, Val was falling through space again. This time, it was less terrifying.  He shut his eyes as the ground fell from his feet, only to rebuilt itself moments later. He felt his boots fall to the pavement with a loud thud.

"That's the fucking weirdest thing I've ever done." He couldn't help but laugh. Val didn't believe in things that he couldn't touch, but clearly he had been wrong this entire time.

The area around him was nothing he had ever seen before. Massive building towered over them, and looked like they would crumble at any second. The roads were overflowing with plant life, and Val began to feel a bit nauseous.

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