14. The Genius

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The city was far too loud for Ms. Management's liking. There was a smell of rebellion that lingered in the heavy air around her, and it made her spine tingle. Since the disappearance of course, some of Battery City's citizens have been getting ideas. More people have run away to The Zones, which means that Better Living Industries have sent more patrols into the deserts to pick up the runners. Unfortunately, this lessened the control of the inner city, and people have started to act out. Some haven't been taking their pills, and that never leads to anything good.

Of course, this didn't ruin Ms. Management's composure.

She sat behind her sleek white desk, filing her long, neat nails. Her blank eyes stared at the pager resting on her desk. She caressed the pager softly with the tip of her sharp nail before pressing the button.

"Bring the inventor in." She demanded sweetly, before turning the pager off. Within a few heartbeats, she could hear the footsteps of the Scarecrow's boots marching down the crystal hallway, accompanied by the sound of somebody being dragged along. Her office doors slid open, and the two Scarecrow's tossed in a very raggedy, very bruised man. His fave was hollow, and red. He had cuts and bruises all along his body, and his nose appeared to be broken. His B.L.I outfit was ripped, and there was clearly some fresh blood. Ms. M leaned forward in her seat, looking down at the very broken man, his dusty blond hair matted to his face. He knelt on his knees, a quivering mess.

"Mr. Walker." She greeted, causing the pathetic man to cringe.

"Don't call me that. Please don't call me that. That's not my name." He pleaded, clearly on the brink of hysteria.

Not like he wasn't in the first place.

Ms. Management decided to humor the man. Clearly, he needed a win.

"Leo." She corrected. The man began to calm down, finally finding the courage to look up at the woman.

"What do you want this time?" He asked. His green eyes looked like they had died a very long time ago.

Ms. Management rose from her desk, walking around to stand above the inventor.

"I need to ask you just a few more questions, then I will be able to let you go." She smiled, almost kindly.

"Yes, yes. What is it?" Leo grew excited.

"I am under the impression that the Killjoys have a new leader. Tell me; what happened to their predecessor? Where did our beloved Miss Atomic Bomb go?"

At the mention of the girl's name, Leo's expression changed to one of shock.

"Is she alive?" He spoke tentatively, worried of any repercussions.

"Well, she hasn't been pronounced dead." Ms. M began to pace, her heels clicking against the white tile.

Leo was always quite fond of Atomic. She was so nice to him, when no one else was. She seemed to be the only one who didn't think that he was completely off the walls.

"I don't know where she is." Leo admitted, telling the truth. He wasn't in any position to lie. This did not satisfy Ms. M. She wanted answers.

"We know that she would be with the four." She spun around sharply, referencing the original Killjoys.

"Well, yes, but I don't know where they went." Leo admitted.

"What about Val Velocity. How has our favorite bad boy been?" She teased, making Leo shiver.

"W-well, from what I've heard, he's in charge, and he's been looking after this little girl-"

"A girl?" Ms. Management froze in her tracks.

"Y-yeah. A young girl, maybe around five or six."

Children of B.L.I must stay with B.L.I, but it had been a past occurrence for them to escape. They lost another girl around eight years ago, who has since then become a Killjoy. Each child is valuable to the development of B.L.I, and losing one of them is always a hazard. Ms. Management remembered the case of a disappearing toddler a few years ago. Nobody knew how the child had escaped, and it had been a mystery that the company had since disregarded.

"The girl. Is she special in any kind of way?" Ms. M questioned, eager for answers.

"Well, she talks kind of... differently. She sounds older than she is."

This was all she needed.

"We will be dealing with this issue promptly. Thank you very much, Mr. Walker." She smiled, giving the man a tiny bow. Leo grinned, a feeling of relief washing over him.

"So, I can go home now? Back to the city?" He tilted his head. Ms. Management simply chuckled before walking back to her desk.

"Have you ever heard of the Phoenix Witch, Leo?" She responded, discretely pressing the pager on her desk.

"Why, yes, I have." He retorted as-a-matter-of-factly.

"I know that she's a sense of comfort for your kind of people." She smiled, sitting back down in her chair.

"Yes, but why is this important?" Leo asked, confused.

"Well," she began, "I'm just hoping that she likes you enough to get you out of here."


The sliding doors opened, and four armed Scarecrows barged in, laser guns out and ready. Leo scrambled to his feet.

"W-wait. No! You said I could go home! You promised-"

The laser pierced through the side of his head, leaving his body to convulse and tumble to the ground.

"Take it out to the Disposal Quarter." Ms. Management ordered coldly. The Scarecrows grabbed the limp body, dragging it out of her office. One of the Scarecrows remained, awaiting following orders.

"Organize a patrol to the nest for tomorrow. I'll be joining you. There's something I need to take back."

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