26. Destroya

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Double update because I finally finished writing this thing!! I need to chill though.

The next thing Party saw was the shattering of glass. The massive building had begun to collapse. The Killjoys screamed in terror, running away from the crashing structure. It was complete chaos.

But then the dust settled.

He spun around to face the damage. All that was left was a spread out mound of metal beams and white stone.

It was over. Better Living Industries was dead.

The Dracs and Scarecrows who had managed to survive pulled of their masks, revealing very confused civilians. Their dazed expressions wandered around their surroundings, trying to remember why they had ended up there.

"Grandpa?" A girl with shock pink hair crept up to a balding old man. The man turned around slowly, his eyes widening at the sight of the Killjoy.

"Lucy?" He gasped, his hands cupping the girls cheeks. Lucy broke into a wide smile, tears falling from the corners of her eyes as she threw her arms around the man. The crowd erupted in cheers. People who had been presumed dead at the hands of B.L.I had suddenly resurfaced. Orphans were reunited with their families. Siblings, children, aunts and uncles had all come back. Ghoul found himself searching the crowd for his own family, but he only got himself disappointed.

"Mom! Dad!" Mad Gear instantly recognized the very lost couple. The two jumped at the sound of their now grown up son running towards them.

"Dylan!" A lady with wispy blonde hair pulled the boy into her chest.

"Oh my god..."His father was shocked, looking at his reformed family.

"I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry." The lady kept repeating as she cradled the boy in her arms, terrified of letting him go.

That's when Party realized that Atomic was nowhere to be seen.

He stepped away from the booming celebration, facing the rubble.

"Atomic!" He called, stepping to the foot of the once mighty building. His four friends immediately took notice to the missing girl, but they stayed back.

"Atomic!" Party called out again, climbing the mound of rocks. The rebels went silent, watching their former leader search for the girl.
He had grown frantic, digging through the debris.

She wouldn't have stayed inside the building, right? She couldn't be that stupid. She was supposed to follow behind...

Party then realized what she had done.

"Freia!" His voice cracked, his hands rushing through his hair. Jet stepped forward, trying to comfort his distressed friend.

"Party, there's nothing we can..."

"Shut the fuck up, Jet! Help me look for her!" He spat. Atomic's family stood off-hand, holding onto their son as they looked at Party in sheer terror.

"Hey, over here!" A man yelled, holding a white remote with a red button over his head. Party scrambled over to him, and the two started throwing the rocks away. Kobra and Ghoul jumped to help, not sure of what they'd find.

A strand of black hair peaked through the cracks in the wreckage. Underneath a layer of broken stone, Atomic's body remained intact, protected by a fallen iron bar. The four men carefully pulled her out from underneath, bringing her to the surface.

"Back away!" Jet ordered, rushing to examine her. The unknown rebel ran back to the crowd, leaving Ghoul, Kobra and Party to watch Jet hover over the girl.

To everyone's surprise, Atomic let out a heavy cough.

"Freia!" Her mother sobbed, running to her. Her father and Gear followed right behind. The woman fell to her knees, pulling Atomic's head onto her lap. The four Killjoys backed away, giving the family some space.

Atomic's eyes fluttered open, facing the sunlight. At first she was quiet before focusing on her mother.

"Mom?" She choked, raising her hand to feel her mother's face. The lady nodded, holding the palm of her daughters hand against her cheek.

"Yes, darling, I'm here." She smiled, tears falling down her face.

The peacefulness only lasted another couple of seconds before a wave of realization washed over Atomic.

Val was still dead.

"Val..." she tried to sit up, but found herself unable to move. Immediately, her screams pierced the air.

"Where is he!" She demanded, on the verge of breaking down.

"Atomic, I'm so sorry." Kobra tried to comfort her.

"No, no this can't be happening!" She screeched, her hands shaking. Her mother held her close to her body as if she was a baby as she cried out in anguish.

"Val!" She continued to sob, her hair stuck to the front of her face. Party's heart shattered into a million pieces as he watched the girl cry. Everyone was silent as they watched her. This was the weakest they had ever seen her, and it scared a lot of them. Maya was next to make an appearance. She stood alone in the crowd.

This would have been the perfect time for Lola to make an appearance, but they didn't. The little girl remained all by herself.

Of course she saw this coming. She was never wrong about her visions, but this still broke her heart. She depended on Val, but she knew that Val also depended on her. For once in her life, she didn't know what was going to come next. Missile Kid rested her hand on the little girls' shoulder. She was impressed at how brave this girl was, but wasn't surprised when she grabbed Missiles leg and began to cry. Missile picked Maya up, stroking the back of her head.

"Shhh, it's okay. Everything's gonna be okay." She whispered to the child as she cried into her shoulder. Hundreds of Killjoys stood in silence. The civilians of the city had begun to gather at the scene of the battle.

Many lives were lost that day, but the sky still shone brighter than ever. Battery City was free from the tethers binding it to Better Living Industries. The pills keeping the civilians under control would stop their production. The desert wouldn't be forbidden anymore, because the city would be full of free will.

All that was left now was to rebuild.

The citizens of the city stared at the mess that was once Better Living Industries. Like many had prayed for, Destroya had saved them all. Not in the way that they thought it would, but she did.

The air had never been cleaner.

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