21. The Gas

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He always had cameras set up around the city. It wasn't often that he'd see people wandering the streets, but once he did, he dealt with them as fast as he could.

He didn't like people in his city, especially Killjoys. It was a territorial thing. He didn't want any strangers to come and mess up his leadership.

Theo let the group have their fun for a day or so, all the while watching their every move behind the scenes. His favourite part was watching the girl, Freia, stumble blindly through the morning. He assumed that they'd know better than to be out in the day, because that's when the gas went off.

Nobody was able to control the daily gas leaks, but they shut off at night, meaning that everyone who lived in the city had the common sense to stay inside during the day. The other Killjoys didn't seem to be affected though, only the girl.

She was completely passed out when they arrived. Theo stood in the ginormous warehouse where the vans pulled in. None of them were happy to be there, but they were completely unarmed, so they weren't much of an issue.

"Jesus fuck!" One of the men spat as he was hauled out of the truck and placed in handcuffs. One by one, they were pushed into the side of the SUV's and cuffed at their wrists.

Kobra attempted to kick one of the soldiers in the groin, earning him a head plant into the side of the car.

"Don't try anything." The soldier ordered, marching him inside.

The sight of Atomic's limp body made Party lose it.

"What the fuck did you do? I swear to fucking god if you do not hand her over right this second, I will kill you all!" He spat, struggling against the arms of one of the soldiers. Theo let out a low pitched laugh that echoed through the warehouse.

"Oh calm down, we'll try our best not to hurt her."

At the sound of his voice, Party whipped his head around.

"You! I fucking knew I couldn't trust you!"

One of the soldiers pushed the Killjoy to his knees as Theo walked over.

"I don't want you causing any problems for me. I run a tight ship around here, and I can't have people like you making any kind of difficulties." Theo told him, completely nonchalant. Party glared up at him, blowing a strand of his hair out from his face.

"Why is she unconscious?" He questioned, glancing over at the girl.

"Well, you went out during the day, didn't you? I don't know why you four weren't affected, but it seems the gas got to her."

Party finally realized why being out in the day was such a bad thing.

"Has she been exposed to any past medications before?" Theo asked as the soldiers brought Party to his feet.

"Well, she was in some sort of drug for a while, but that was over seven years ago. It wore off a while ago."

Theo shook his head, the corners of his mouth turning up into a smile.

"No, it didn't. That's why she's like that." He motioned to Atomic, still passed out on the floor.

"Now, take him to the rest of his lot." Theo ordered.

"Wait, what about Atomic?" Party asked as they began to bring him out of the warehouse.

"We'll deal with her, don't worry." Theo's tone was condescending.

"No, she comes with me!" Party demanded, but the soldiers were already dragging him away. His protests lingered in the air until Theo heard the metal door of the warehouse slam shut.

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