9. Lucky Man

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            "Party, we should really head back now." I pressed my shoulder close to his as we walked deeper into the North End. He grabbed onto my hand, squeezing it tightly.

"We'll be fine." He smiled at me.

"Are you sure about that?" My voice was monotone.

"C'mon, you know me. When have I ever made you do something life-threatening?" He tilted his head. I arched my eyebrow, causing him to exhale deeply.

"Okay, but we've always come out alive." He reasoned. 

"Except for that one time you died." I reminded him.

"Oh hon, you know I can't ever stay dead." He smirked, pulling me alongside him as we walked. Party just made me feel a little bit safer.

I had started to recognize some of the old buildings we passed. A grocery store with broken windows was a place that me and my mom used to shop at. I saw the huge office buildings where my dad used to work at.

I also saw the shadows of at least twenty people under the moonlight.

"Party." I whispered, halting in my tracks. He froze, his breaths quickening.

"I fucking told you." I hissed as I began to hear footsteps on the pavement. At the exact same time, me and Party pulled out our guns.

"Put down your weapons!" A man's voice shouted. The patrol finally emerged from the darkness, each one carrying a giant gun, aimed right at us. I pointed my gun in their direction.

"We will kill you if you don't cooperate." The same man barked. I glanced at Party, who looked at me with fear and regret.

"Who are you?" He asked, his voice quivering with uncertainty.

"None of your fucking business." A member of the patrol spat.

"Aye, watch your mouth, asshole!" I hissed, but Party grabbed onto my hand, squeezing it tightly.

"Don't piss them off. I want to make it out alive." He whispered. I nodded, closing my lips. Party unwrapped his fingers from his gun, sending it clattering to the ground. I copied reluctantly, my stomach dropping at the same time my weapon did. The patrol circled closer around us, marching us silently down the dark roads of the North End. All the while, I still clung onto Party's hand. Being shanghaied wasn't really on the list of things I planned on doing tonight, so I was kind of uncomfortable.


We continued our escort, nobody uttering a sound. The patrol kept a close eye on us, only aiming their guns away from our directions when we reached what looked to be an old factory. Two metal gates towered above us, heavily guarded by a pair of female guards.

"Who're they?" One of the guards asked, spitting on the ground when she saw me and Party.

"Theo wanted to see them." The man who I assumed to be head of our patrol asked.

"Hah, they're fucked." The other guard cackled.

"Wait, what?" Party narrowed his eyes.

"Bring 'em in." The first guard ignored Party's concern, letting the patrol pass through the gates.

"This is all your fault. I told you we never should have kept going." I scolded him under my breath.

"I know, I'm an idiot. I just thought it would be a cool idea to rebel against the system, you know?" He responded, earning him a sharp jab in the side from the head of patrols gun.

"Quiet." He ordered. Party shot him a glare, grumbling under his breath. We walked inside the dimly lit factory, complete with cement floors and leaking ceilings. A few people wandered inside, shooting us looks of either disgust or concern. Eventually the patrol began to disperse, leaving only three of them. I knew that me and Party could take them on, but it wasn't really worth it. They took us up a long flight of stairs to some sort of office. The head of the patrol gave a tentative knock. He appeared to be on edge and frightened, very different from the way he acted in front of us.

'He talks a lot of smack for a fucking wimp.'

"Come in." A man's deep voice answered from the other side of the steel door. The door swung open, revealing a rather impressive surveillance room. A dozen screens hung on the wall, showing us glimpses into area's of the factory and in the city. A man with messy brown hair and an admittedly impressive leather jacket sat in a black office chair, his black boots resting on the control panel. When he heard us come in, he spun the chair around, flashing a bright grin.

"Ah, finally. Great to see you." The man shot up, eagerly shaking both of our hands. Me and Party exchanged a look of confusion.

"S-sir? Are we dismissed?" The head of patrol asked. The brown haired man's face hardened when he spoke.

"Yes, Jeremy. You're finished here." The man waved the patrol away.

"Why the hell did they bring us here?" Party questioned the man after the patrol had left the room. The brown haired man laughed, sitting back down on his chair.

"Well, to be fair, you were in my territory. My name is Theo, by the way." He introduced himself.

"Michael." Party forced a smile.

"Freia." I followed his lead. Theo had an amused smirk on his face.

"Friea, is that Scandinavian?" He tilted his head.

"Yeah, my dad was Swedish." I told him, shuffling my feet nervously.

"I've traveled to Sweden, before the world went to hell. It's a beautiful place, isn't it." Theo put his hands in his lap, swiveling the chair back and forth.

"Yeah, it is." I felt a bit of tension float off of my chest. This guy wasn't that bad. He's just defending his territory. 

"Is this your sister?" Theo turned to Party, causing me to snort in laughter.

"Girlfriend." He corrected firmly.

"My apologies. It's the hair." Theo motioned to his hair as he spoke.

"You're a lucky man. She's absolutely stunning." Theo continued. Party clenched his jaw, his hands curling into a fist.

"Yes. Very." He muttered.

"It's been nice meeting you, but we better head back home. My team is probably wondering where we are by now." I butted in, noticing Party's tension.

"Of course, just make sure to get home before the sun comes up. I'd hate to have you get into any trouble." Theo warned, pressing a button on the control panel to open the steel door.

"Alright, thanks." I grabbed onto Party's hand, dipping out of the room.

"I"m sure we'll see each other very soon, Freia." Theo waved, but I was too busy dragging a fuming Party away to respond.

"Let's never come back." He grumbled as we left the factory.

"Whatever floats your boat." I responded, smiling up at him. 

The sun had yet to come up, and I guess that made us safe. I still didn't understand what could possibly be so bad about the daylight.

I decided not to wait around and find out.



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