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I stood at the city limits, my grey sneakers dipped into the sand. I could feel a slight breeze coming from the desert as it washed through my fingertips. My hair had since returned to its previous light blonde, and I felt it wash across my shoulders with the wind. Dylan stood right next to me, staring out at the desert. I always forgot how much my younger brother had grown, and I wasn't used to him being taller than me.

"Freia?" He asked, not breaking contact with the barren land in front of him.


"Will we ever go back out there?"

I wasn't quite sure how to answer. The entire Killjoy population had moved back to the city, leaving the abandoned buildings that we used to call home even more abandoned than before.

"Eventually, we'll need to. There's an entire world waiting for us, we just need to get used to ours first." I answered. I was met by a few beats of silence before my brother spoke again.

"Frank wants to take Missile and I to the diner. We haven't been in years." He told me.

Most of the Killjoys had returned to using their real names, but some refused to make the transition; Missile being one of them. She never had a name in the first place. Ms. Management had never given her one. Vamos and Vaya were certain that they forgot their real names, and became part of the few who would rather stay under their alias.

"You guys can go, but I don't know if I want to go back there." I added. Dylan simply nodded in understanding. I had always been accustomed to the city. That's something that the desert didn't change.

Once again, we were met by silence. I continued to look out at the horizon. It was just like the first day I stepped foot into the Zones, my little brother in my arms. So much time had passed, but I remembered everything. I still had a scar on my leg from the first time I ever got shot. I remember meeting Sugar in the desert within the first day of being there. She was always one of my oldest friends. I remember waking up in the diner to a quartet of unfamiliar faces. I remember the reunion between my childhood friends.

I remember falling in love with Party Poison.

Now, Gerard wasn't some Killjoy leader. He was simply Gerard, and that's how I loved him best.

"We better get going, I need to pick Maya up from school." Dylan broke the silence. I blinked away from the desert, regaining my focus.

"Right," I coughed, hopping on my colourful motorcycle. I waited for Dylan to kick off before me, leaving a trail of dust in his path. I looked back at the desert one last time, blowing a strand of hair away from my face.

"Good riddance." I smiled as I sped away, abandoning what I considered to be the beginning of my life. Miss Atomic Bomb was left behind in the sand next to all of my lost friends.

It was about time that the poor girl got a good nights sleep anyways.

The End.

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