Chapter 11

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I hear a girl yelling something like "Ellie wake up! Can you hear me?" i'm a bit groggy and I don't want to get up but I think I better, or they'll think i'm dead.

I flutter my eyes open. I see a boy and girl staring down at me. Both of them are wearing orange camp half blood t shirts. The girl has blond flowing hair and stormy grey eyes. The boy has black hair and sea green eyes like mine. My stomach tightens. That can only mean one thing

"I'm going to tell you the same thing she told me when I first woke up here" says the boy. "You drool when you sleep."

"Cut her some slack seaweed brain" says the girl.

"No. Way." I say "Percy Jackson and Annabeth Chase!"

"How did you know that" says Annabeth confused. She looks a little upset. She obviously can't stand not knowing things.

"You guys are like my heroes." I squeal.

"How?" says Percy.

"Well" I start out "When I was a bit younger my mom got me these books. They talk

about all your guys's adventures and everything that happened to you in the last like five years."

"But..." stutters Percy

"Percy we better not over ask her questions." says Annabeth.

I sit there for a second just staring at Percy, and I think Annabeth notices because she starts glaring at me.

"Well" states Percy "i'm going to go tell Chiron you're awake. He'll definitely want to talk to you." Percy gets up and leaves.

Wow Annabeth is pretty. No wonder Percy would fall for a girl like her.

"So how long was I out?"

"About five days" she says "you know I've been here with you this whole time, and you look a lot like Percy. Especially your eyes. But..." she stops for a second. "There's no way. I mean he wasn't even supposed to be..."

I hear someone walk through the door. A girl with golden brown curls walks up to Annabeth. She's even prettier than Annabeth, and she obviously doesn't try too hard.

"Oh look at that your awake. Good thing the Apollo campers were wrong when they said you would be out for another week." says the girl

"Ellie this is..."

"Piper McLean" I finish Annabeths sentence

"How did you..." stammers Piper

"Long story" says Annabeth before I can say anything. "Point is she's awake. Do you think your good enough to walk?" she asks me.

"ya I think so." I get up and Annabeth leads me out of the room. Just as we leave the building I see Percy and a Centaur walking together towards us. It must be Chiron.

"Well" says Chiron "It seems as though little Ellie has waken up."

Piper looks at me then back at Percy. She does that about fifteen times. She whispers to Annabeth, "She looks almost exactly like Percy."

Chiron seems to be thinking the same thing.

"Um Percy" says Chiron "Why don't you give Ellie a tour of the camp. Annabeth I have to talk to you."

Chiron and Annabeth walk off leaving just Percy, Piper, and me. "Piper you want to come with us." asks Percy

"Nah I think I'll go talk to Jason." she runs off leaving just me and Percy.

"Shall we?" He says gesturing to one direction.

"We shall" I say and we walk off together.

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